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 Feb 2017 AJ
Lewis Bosworth
a tanka
 Feb 2017 AJ
Lewis Bosworth
maple leaf ragtime
dancing around the maypole
tap the tree at dusk
when dancers are sugar sweet
syrup is very sticky
The Tanka is the predecessor of the Haiku.  The Japanese poets thought they needed something shorter and more concise....  So we have the Haiku.
 Feb 2017 AJ
Ramin Ara
The flower of destiny
Has no an untimely ending
At the growth
 Feb 2017 AJ
Richard L Ratliff

You have been the pillow
I lay my weary soul upon
A soft cradle for my woes  
Molding to my needs
While supporting my dreams      

Copyright 2017
Richard L Ratliff
Check my poetry books
 Feb 2017 AJ
 Feb 2017 AJ
And I told myself that I was fine. That I had moved on. I forced myself into believing that the waters were calm and they would remain shallow. But dams can only hold back so much water, and the flood gates seemed to have reached their limits. Now I'm drowning in tears and I can't quite remember how to swim.
 Feb 2017 AJ
Thank you
 Feb 2017 AJ
I fall in love
With the love
You've given me .
 Feb 2017 AJ
Emily Raso
 Feb 2017 AJ
Emily Raso
I was designed, with the perfect fragments,
crisp ice in your lemonade.
the bright light shining through your window pane.
I'm the last sip, you're thirsty for more.
The undying gift, forever giving more.
The particles that reside inside, gold flakes.
Heavens sake, the earth quakes.  I am your biggest mistake.
I embody, your body with every breakable bone.
I am made of stone, you are made of dust,
collecting on me, with every slight touch.
 Feb 2017 AJ
blue mercury
i want to sew this date onto my
heart for ever,
because that's when you,
so careful and so nervous,
told me how you feel about me.
so my crush crush officially confessed that he has a crush on me and i did the same and there might be a date approaching? ah!!
 Dec 2016 AJ
This Medium Is Dead
 Dec 2016 AJ
That's what the voices in my head told me every time I set out to make some kind of statement in an antiquated form that would most likely be overlooked by every one of my friends.

But with beer and vanity and pigheaded persistence,
I managed to ignore them.
"Dude, I don't even own a CD player."
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