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  Feb 2016 Irfan bin Yusuf Qadri
Love is not lust tho' lust may lead to love
As seedlings basked in sunlight spring to flowers,
Young blooms may make a golden treasured trove
Where tender tulips kiss in huddled bowers

Love ripens like straw-nested berry fields,
Plump, juicy, flavoursome, and blushing red
As nature's bounteous sweet harvest reveals
Her shapely form resplendent in her bed

Love is an acorn to the mighty oak,
Deep-rooted and unbounded by the sky;
Love ripples like a genteel puddled cloak
Laid bare to keep a silken petal dry

    Love is but love and life is but to love:
    So poets write and lovers seek to prove

now tell me what it is with this one day
upon which a wealthy world acts its play
for on the others we forget to pay
true affection in appropriate ways

why is it only then we know to say
"i love ye" ev'ryone now 'n' always

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 05/05/1437

'a (1 rhyme pentameter) Sonnettette x 1 minute poem'
Dazzling displays of downpouring snow
From an ashy and charcoal sky above
Peacefully drifts toward the ground below,
Creating serene scenery I love!

The atmosphere on these quieted streets
Seems rather calm in the still of the night.
During the daylight, even your heartbeat
Could be heard if you might listen just right!

Blanketed are these snowy linen lands
With a sheet colored as white as the moon.
This wint'ry blessing is utterly grand,
It's enough to make me slightly swoon.

I've always found the snowfall enthralling,
I choose to embrace its tempting calling!

this place called Hello Poetry is actually very strange
instead of writin', people are just gettin' out of range
for i thought this site looked clean 'n' well-organized
tho certain things goin' on here leavin' me by surprise

things like plagiarists bein' that proud of themselves
now a selected daily poem straight from a Hallmark shelf

..the truth may hurt.., the lies they ****... always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 04/05/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnettette x 1 minute poem'
The blackened mirror hangs on the wall
and whispers my name with a soft call
Like the wind, it rustles my brain,
its hauntingly familiar voice I distain
"Come and see what lies within,
what's bound to come and what's already been,
but when you look you can't forget,
'cause what is seen will then be set."
I shield my eyes in fear alone
'cause I don't want this set in stone
but hunger for truth boiled deep inside
and spilled across this body of mine
I saw the darkest part of you
and realized there's nothing I can do
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