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this poetess known as Elizabeth Squires
with ways of writin' by waves to admire
the one i read here caught my attention
managin' all styles of apprehensions

for i love all of her works she gets penned
i say readin' her poems i find well spent
by her, learnin' beauties of Rosarians
i dared attemptin' to the rotarian

this writin' to her, for she to inspire
seein' as one of my inspirations
it's hers becomin' as musin' impends
bein' it against or pro-contrarian

i am a fan of this amazin' ma'am
hopin' she'll keep blessin' us with her slams

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 24/04/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'

from all of the demons i am fightin'
i myself am the biggest one of them
'cause out of all of those trials sent by Him
none of them as bein' as frightenin'

that choice be upon me where to headin'
tho roads are made able by only Him
onto which desire shall i chase a whim
when knowin' does make life more uplightenin'

forever condemned by my strides within
knowin' myself needin' to be workin'
for when i shall change my mind of thinkin'
owin' none but positive vibes all-in

'cause yes indeed, my own devil am i
but not when changin' visions of my eyes

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 23/04/1437

'a (pentameter) Sonnet'

don't we all look up the skies as we start to wonder
aren't all of them writers up at night just to ponder
might be out of many a thing bein' stumbled upon
or like breezes of winds that are blowin' into mind

tho most of those times feelings bein' put asunder
by emotions as much as the rain, storm 'n' thunder
although aswell as the sun, moon 'n' stars beyond
just seems as if many don't manage nor get to find

so ye can contemplate but never thyselves deprive
to define these nature's bonds 'n' the beauties of life
for be it lessons by foremost the hard ways learned
or of one of those lovers onto which ye have burned

thus whether ye're writin' accordin' rules to follow
acknowledge thy messagin' by thy heart's wavin' flow

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 22/04/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'

she's always walked underneath that exact same sky
where later on their hearts met for the very first time
he never stopped believin' in the beauty of the moon
for the dance beneath shinin' lights to be theirs soon

forever she wondered what those stars really meant
by the unknown paths upon which their rays're sent
he thought of all of those promises that're ever made
by the past wretched words upon him bein' displayed

but when the occasion 'n' that auspicious day came by
when a birth of true love started comin' out its cocoon
just then nothin' 'tween an earth 'n' heaven could bend
their union becomin' a fact as faith for them has layed

for that magic moment their bein' rejoiced as occurs
when his eyes got caught by the sight of eyes of hers

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 18/04/1437

'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
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