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 Nov 2015 inhumanity
and I saw you cry
not a thousand words
could be said,
Just Silence,
in your dark room

I myself don't know
what suffering you're
going through right now
but you are assured
I'll be staying as long as I can

just silent sobs I hear
I wish i could say
everything's gonna be
but I can't speak
There's too much pain
in your eyes
Don't worry, Grandma
I will always love you.
Find your soul, and you will find peace Grandma. ILY
 Nov 2015 inhumanity
 Nov 2015 inhumanity
As I think of you
while I'm on this bus ride home
The stank smell of car gasoline
plunges through me

As the ignorance and bliss
is a riot in my head
And one day
I hope
You'll be fine
and have bliss time
 Nov 2015 inhumanity
The dank speed on the expressway
never felt so lonely
The moving cars and their taillights
never felt so bright
If only my Zephyr were here, we'd enjoy the gushing sound
of the chatter and the unruly sound of the bus engine

I do, I really do miss you
not in the way I miss us way
not in the way I miss your old self
just in an I miss you way.
Oh Zephyr,
I am afraid of the happenings.
I am afraid of the sun when it's time to rise.
I am afraid of searching to what I am sure of
look, Zephyr. It is not always the easiest way out.
It never was for you to be a person full of sorrow.
I never saw that in you, but please.
Please do know I too am just as scarred as you, but I never saw a mismatch in what I do.

I do know. You're one worth-while-time of happiness
It may be hard for you to admit,
as I am afraid to say,
but yeah. I do.
Endearment for you my dear Zephyr.
For you Peds. I'm not sure of how to put this into action, but I will. You're worth while, and I am sure that I am worth-while too.
*I hope you read this... or not?  haha
 Oct 2015 inhumanity
I feel weird
Empty walking
Not talking
Just existing not living
Well maybe I don't exist
I'm just someone
Empty walking
Not talking
Just existing
As I said, not living
I don't feel
I'm numb
Just existing.
They always say look at the bright side
Be positive about life,
but how? How can they see positivity?
When negativity takes over my body.
I can't even see those lights, all I can see is darkness
How can they say let go
When I don't have any Idea which one,
which feelings should I let go
Everything becames complicated
Everything's a blur
All I can feel is pain and I am so tired,
Tired of being sad, Sad without anyreason
All of the sudden I lost interest, Interest in everything I used to loved
The winds they whisper everything,
But tell me nothing.
Every sense I still can't feel,
is hidden in the trees.

I can't get lost in mother earth
If she spit me from her womb.
A rebel born,
In a universe with no room.

The earth herself,
The sky so unknown.
With no history of man
Has made us her home.
Just saying, this was a challenge for me to write in under five minutes. Did it in three. **** on it.



In the darkness




we sit listening

Pretend we are not hearing




We talk so well

Of loving !

In the graveyard

Dancing with corpses
To the tune

the BELLS!
 Oct 2015 inhumanity
oscar sueño
as long as some suffer,
the river flows forever.
as long as there is pain
the river flows forever.
as strong as a smile can be,
the river will flow forever, and as long as ur with me we'll ride the river together
 Oct 2015 inhumanity
To whom I raised my banner,
darling, you were enough.

And here I am
And here you are.
I tried reaching the stars,
when you kept pulling me down.
I tried making your day the brightest.
Darling, you made me the ******* dejected human I am now.

— The End —