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 Jun 2015 Imraan Mohamed
 Jun 2015 Imraan Mohamed
Pity the fool who does
not believe words can
change lives
she is the epitome of the perfect woman.
her soul is graceful ,just as her smile
she is electric,
she is elegant,
always drowning herself in her perfume.
but i liked it,
i liked the smell,
i liked her,
i liked her soul,
something i couldn't stop getting enough of,
it was like an addiction,
but without the needles
or smoke
but more of an addiction with her body
and mind.
how can something that isn't even physical leave bruises that band-aids can't aid, and scars that remain permanent, how is love so damaging?
I don't know what it is,
But something's missing
Something's missing from me
And I think that's you.

I feel like a defective doll
One that won't operate without being tuned
One that won't laugh
Without unless you put in a battery
I'm like a mute that won't sing
Unless given a tune.

And that tune, and that battery,
They're you.
And I miss the day we spent basically the whole day together
I miss your presence
& I can't help but feeling
Defective without you.
I am not ready for this day;
The sun shines far too bright.
So I'll just shut my eyes again
And pretend its velvet night.

Yes, today I have work,
And I stayed up far too late,
But please wrap me in sleep, oh moon,
Though its time to wake
 Jun 2015 Imraan Mohamed
Please be careful
With your comments

When you comment on people's work!

Their work can be complex
And have meaning that
Only the author understands

This is a sacred place
For most all of the people
That post work here

Simply leaving a
"What's wrong with you" comment

Not the best idea

There is nothing wrong with me
I am one of the most kind and loving people

Who talks to my own gardener
And brings him fruit

There is nothing wrong with me
I am a good human being

If you meant it in a sympathetic way
I appreciate it
We all have bad days
And sometimes we write about
Negative feelings or emotions

Please be extra careful with your comments
We put everything into our writing!

Please be polite and leave an explanation
Of your critique
We must tread softly here
 Jun 2015 Imraan Mohamed
Love is the cure,
for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain
until your eyes constantly exhale love
as effortlessly as your body yields its scent.”
 Jun 2015 Imraan Mohamed
Both light and shadow
are the dance of Love.

Love has no cause;
it is the astrolabe of God’s secrets.

Lover and Loving are inseparable
and timeless.

Although I may try to describe Love
when I experience it I am speechless.

Although I may try to write about Love
I am rendered helpless;
my pen breaks and the paper slips away
at the ineffable place
where Lover, Loving and Loved are one.

Every moment is made glorious
by the light of Love.
 Jun 2015 Imraan Mohamed
A lover asked his beloved,
Do you love yourself more
than you love me?

The beloved replied,
I have died to myself
and I live for you.

I’ve disappeared from myself
and my attributes.
I am present only for you.

I have forgotten all my learning,
but from knowing you
I have become a scholar.

I have lost all my strength,
but from your power
I am able.

If I love myself
I love you.
If I love you
I love myself.

— The End —