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18.7k · Jan 2015
Th' adventures o' Cap'n Kitty
I B Liviu Jan 2015
Sandman comes 'n starts t' raise
Golden dunes o' fairy land
A world o' dreams ahead now lays
Come on lovely close yer eyes, 'n

By th' gods o' sea 'n sky
Start 'n sail on puffy clouds,
'n with them green 'n pretty eyes
Steer yerself t' cotton grounds,

Dream o' love 'n joy 'n sea
Made o' liquid silk 'n gold,
As a cap'n ye shall be
Sailing in th' Nevertold,

Hoist yer colours in th' blue
'n trust th' heart t' point the way,
Ye be sailing straight 'n true
T' th' port o' Dreamland Bay.
1.3k · Oct 2013
I B Liviu Oct 2013
Soothing as the wind can be,
Embracing calmly trees of change,
Blowing through their leaves of tea
It bends the branches rather strange,

Flying birds shoot to the sky,
Aiming for the gentle clouds
To be smothered way up high
Far away from vile grounds,

Bathed within the warmth of days,
All that blossoms in the sun
Goes to sleep as darkness lays
A pitch veil you can't outrun,

Waves of foamy salty oceans,
Kiss the shores of golden sand,
Mighty currents are in motion,
Spreading life across the land,

Snowy peaks of rocky mountains,
Stand immortal in cold winds,
Icy rivers blast like fountains
Flowing down the forest's wings,

Fiery lakes of molten rocks,
Hidden from the naked eye,
Rise above like building blocks,
Gravity they must defy,

Rain starts falling from the skies,
Hurtling down towards the ground,
Soil and the clouds it ties
With loose threads that float around,

Stand outside and interweave
With the strings of liquid cloud,
Feel the rain drops and believe
In love and life, and have no doubt.
1.1k · Nov 2013
Melted Fortress
I B Liviu Nov 2013
Velvet drops of smoky mirrors,
Soothing clouds in endless skies,
Fill my heart with warmth and shivers,
Joy and love like one it ties,

Sweet and sour, crisp or smooth,
Dropping by or running down,
Liquid safes that hold the truth,
As the walls surround the town,

Diamond curtains tie around,
See-through walls of melted mirrors,
Up side down I feel it bound,
To the sea and all its sailors,

Floating castles in the wind,
Ghostly dreams that come to be,
Huf and puf and they will swing,
Like the branches of a tree.
1.0k · Nov 2013
Matching Score
I B Liviu Nov 2013
Just imagine what might be,
The song our heart is beating,
Is it a lovely melody
Or just a beat repeating?

No matter for how long you sit
And how close you want to be,
The beat just doesn't seem to hit
The notes, it's like a bumblebee,

Flying about, no track in mind,
Buzzing restless in its search
As if it's struggling to find
The perfect flower and to merge

Into something more that him,
Love is what it seems at first,
But needs a rhythm from within,
Something that can make it burst,

Burst with rhythm and delight,
But what's this I hear now,
It's a tune that sounds so right
As it's natural somehow.

You search for it around your world,
The source for this delightful tune
Believing is some sort of bird,
Your sight is way above the moon.

Every plant and every rock
Has been turned to find it,
But when you feel you'll run amok,
That's when you feel your heartbeat.

It feels the tempo inside you,
Fits the tune you heard before,
It seems the love that's made for two,
Must have its rhythm-ed matching score.

This song played by the two hearts,
Can be heard only by them,
But be felt in other parts,
That extend beyond this realm.
994 · Nov 2013
I B Liviu Nov 2013
Feel the calm before the storm,
Starting fresh, but cool and deep,
It bathes the soul and all its forms
In soothing winds no one can keep.

Close your eyes and feel the waves
They take you back, you feel no pain
Your soul for now it's all you save,
You'll feel the rest when it starts to rain.

I sail deep within the clouds,
Don't brace yourself, just ride it out
As if you're overwhelmed by crowds
Of people you know none about.

The flashes pierce the dark horizon,
Wind is filled with salty drops,
The waves appear as mighty bisons,
My fear is courage, I hope it lasts.

Promised you I will be there,
Closest friends in good and sorrow,
The times of anger and despair
Are all this storm will ever swallow.

I'll ride this storm and walk with you
This path of life and what might bring,
Strength and love have just outgrew
This mighty storm and everything.

Gastly winds and fierce waves
Lift the sea way up above,
As a wall it now behaves
I am filling up with love.

And as I stare into the sea
I see myself alone and cold,
Warm within I have to be
To feel my love and to be bold.

Touched the wave as I rode higher
And felt the rain shaping my body,
I can feel the warmth and fire,
The beating hearts of everybody.

Will and love within my soul
Lit the shades and calmed the sea,
As the boat began to roll
I have seen what I can be.

For somethings I've never had
I'll do the things I never did,
Love will save me from the bad,
The heart will search for what is hid.
885 · Oct 2013
Thing and No Thing
I B Liviu Oct 2013
Vivid colors, black and white,
Spinning round with all their might,
Pushing in and pulling out,
All the things we know about,

Round and round in circles go,
Life and death, the things we know,
Good and bad go hand in hand,
As do seas and all the land,

There's not one without the other,
Grab them both and don't you bother,
There's no thing without something,
Listen, watch and dance and sing,

Feel and taste, go on, just be,
Be the wind that bends the tree,
Be the wave that wets the sands,
Be the sun that warms the lands,

From above, within the clouds,
Filled with gems of joyful crowds,
Dive the drops of rainy sands,
They touch the ground like clapping hands.

Silence is what makes sound grow,
Space shapes everything we know,
There's never one without the other,
Experience both and you'll uncover

That is you who makes them be,
The wind and sun, the taste of tea,
The warmth and cold, the voice within,
Be still and quiet, and it will begin,

Acrobatic leaves and winds,
Swirl the colours, spanning wings,
For the emptiness within,
Creates the dance of leaves that spin.
806 · Oct 2013
Mellow Mirror
I B Liviu Oct 2013
Flowing over rocks and moss,
Never-ending melted diamonds,
Shimmering as liquid gloss,
Shaping smooth and velvet canyons,

Breathing in and breathing out,
Waves and ripples bend the light,
Eyes of molten crystals scout,
For the love that holds them tight,

Velvet dreams of rippled sight,
Soothe the living rocky depths,
In this stream of molten light,
Peaceful love is all that sets.
716 · Jan 2021
The Final Embrace
I B Liviu Jan 2021
Deep booms of crackling sounds reverb
From the icy shell i shed across the darkness,
The fire has been lit and put out many times before
The melted holes in the ice, visible memories
Of being gripped with fear of vanishing forever
Reminders of attempts to escape this cold tomb.

I am becoming anxious,
As i hurdle towards the light of my being
Like a comet about to meet the Sun
I close my eyes and
With a smile on my face i embrace my fears
Knowing i will disappear
And my Light will finally emerge.
705 · Dec 2015
I B Liviu Dec 2015
Gambol Child, gambol
For you're always Free,
Grow Love, grow
Like an Infinite tree,

Walk the fields o' Love
And forever see,
You've always been Here,
Now rest. In Me.
693 · Nov 2013
I B Liviu Nov 2013
Golden strokes and purple haze,
Rusted spots dropped here and there,
Patterns in a silky maze,
Buried treasures everywhere,

Strange, as they begin to turn,
To a golden purple hue,
The strokes begin to dance and swirl,
Led by winds into the blue,

As the pair spins around,
Trails of gold it leaves behind,
Covering, not just the ground,
But whatever springs to mind.

A thousand tweets are flapping wings,
Aimless float above the pools,
Reduced to silence stand the kings,
A theater, with empty stools.

Let the frozen liquid diamonds,
Wrap in sleep the worldly stage,
Covering the sea and islands,
Everything's one big white page.
593 · Oct 2013
The Self
I B Liviu Oct 2013
Cloudless skies and sunny rays,
The grass and trees dance in the wind,
Autumn comes and leaves it lays,
All around this sea of green.

Everything is out to play,
The birds, the ants all that can be,
It is time to stop and stay,
By the shadow of a tree.

Free your mind of any thought,
Listen to the nature's sound,
All the battles you have fought,
Now lie silent underground.

Take the nature by the hand,
Let it show you what you are,
From the smallest grain of sand,
To the last and furthest star.

Full of confidence and freedom,
Let your courage spill inside,
For you're taken from this region,
No more games of seek and hide.

You feel awake but, yet you fly,
A sea of clouds beneath your feet,
Stars play joyful in the sky,
You feel your heart, its every beat,

Floating in the skies of love,
Bathed in warm and gentle clouds,
You look and stop just up above
An endless sea of starry crowds,

You look around as if you knew,
Every twinkle little star,
Curiosity struck you,
Oh, you wonder who you are,

Lost yourself into the lights,
Powerful, the wish to know,
You descend from mighty heights
Just to know how bright you glow.

Listen closely as it whispers,
Let it guide you into the night,
Nature and your heart are sisters
There's no need to push and fight.

Lifted up, you turn and try
To get back into the sea,
There's no need to say goodbye,
Just surrender and you'll see

That the endless sea of light
Shrinks to something round and bright,
Other stars are set alight,
What a gorgeous looking sight,

Flying fast into the distance
You can see the starry *****,
Building up from nonexistence,
All you know that rises and falls,

Everything just shines so bright,
Brighter than your eyes can bare,
You see the park you had in sight,
The moment you agreed to dare

To find yourself; you see yourself under the tree,
You rise away and into space
Further than the eye can see
Bright as a Star this planet can be.

You're nothing more than everything,
The now, the present, life and love
You're not hanging from a string
Controlled by something up above,

You're me, you're everyone you meet,
You're everyone you see around,
You're the clouds beneath your feet,
You're the rivers underground.

— The End —