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Sweet, sweet those sounds of blithe songs and laughter;
They still find me in my dreams on lonesome nights.
Bitter, bitter the silence in my heart the morning after.

Once, a daft heart soared to discover someone dafter;
Oddballs together, we tasted the world’s wacky delights.
Sweet, sweet those sounds of blithe songs and laughter.

Jokes so silly, never unkind, banter flew by faster.
The crazy faces we so carelessly wore highlights
Bitter, bitter the silence in my heart the morning after.

Subtle changes sometimes hurt more than sudden disaster.
One heart has evolved while the other fool still cites
Sweet, sweet those sounds of blithe songs and laughter.

Life is a long book; our frolics were only one chapter.
Reminiscing about those golden olden days invites
Bitter, bitter the silence in my heart the morning after.

Frail those bonds never were, friendship never did shatter;
Separate but close, we’re both still oddballs by all rights.
Sweet, sweet those sounds of blithe songs and laughter,
Bitter, bitter the silence in my heart the morning after.
NaPoWrimo Day 23
Poetry form: Villanelle
The morning woke her up
On the bed of his chest
Glass shattered
Splints everywhere
And she walked home on ****** feet
 May 2018 Tadmar Jelly
Jessica S
I did not want this
I did not want to catch feelings
for you
or smile every time you text
or wait for a message instead of sleep
or smile at you when you're not lookin'
or laugh about your stupid jokes
or look in your **** ordinary eyes
and feel like they're not ordinary at all.

— The End —