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Feb 2018 · 274
About You
han Feb 2018
the most exquisite thing
about you
is quite frankly
not even you
or your physical being
but the being that lives
inside of you:
your intellect,
and passions
I could listen to you
ramble on and on
and be content
January 31st~han
Jan 2018 · 155
han Jan 2018
that night we laid awake
staring at the dark ceiling above
sleep didn’t come
and we didn’t want
to miss a single moment of this
talking and kissing
for so long we were sober again
for so long the sun came up
a loud Saturday night
carried into a quiet Sunday morning
January 28th~han
Jan 2018 · 178
han Jan 2018
bubbles in my stomach
giggles in my throat
intoxicated more so by you
than any alcohol I’d consumed
January 28th~han
Jan 2018 · 190
han Jan 2018
I thought you
were the missing piece
but in reality
you were stealing pieces
of me
January 8th~Han
Still learning lessons about life...
Jan 2018 · 419
Your Silence
han Jan 2018
Your silence
speaks a multitude
more than your words
ever have
January 11th~han
Jan 2018 · 134
The Princess Saves Herself
han Jan 2018
You bought me a book
for my birthday
I opened it up today
The book told me
I am a queen
I am enough love for myself
That the princess will save herself
I go back to the irony
this was your gift to me
without even knowing
You taught me to love myself
because you couldn’t love me
in the way I needed you to
because you didn’t appreciate me
in the way I wanted you to
Now your actions and gift
have given me an invaluable lesson
of the gifts I owe myself
January 7th~han
Amanda Lovelace, your poetry is so beautiful
Jan 2018 · 193
Holding onto Sadness
han Jan 2018
You are a stream of water
that dances down my cheek
every night
I should stop you
but it’s all I have left of you
January 7th~han
han Jan 2018
There will be nights for driving home
accompanied by sad music and tears
There will be mornings when the sunrise
is so bright that it fills you with hope
There will be Mondays that are dreadful
Tuesdays that are just as bad and worse
Followed by adventure filled weekends
There are always going to be days
and no matter what those days bring
we have to immerse ourselves into them
When we are sad we must grieve
When we are happy we must glow
Don’t live each day as another
to simply check off the list
live them as their own
This my friend will give us a masterpiece
for life: a collection of beautiful days
January 7th~han
Jan 2018 · 263
I wonder
han Jan 2018
I wonder if you miss me
the way I miss you
I wonder if you see the same stars
if we even live in the same world
You seem two lifetimes away
Every morning, day and night together
I wish I had know
the last time we said goodbye
so I would’ve held you longer,
kissed you goodbye
I wonder if you’re wishing
the same thing too
January 4th~han
Jan 2018 · 414
Boxed Away
han Jan 2018
I boxed up a year and a half today
Every photograph,
first date kisses
awkward hugs
A year and a half
In a box
I thought we’d outlast it all
yet I packed your stuff
and memories away in a box
I always thought
our love was too big,
too much,
too great
to simply be boxed
and stored away
January 4th~han
Dec 2017 · 162
Language of my Soul
han Dec 2017
Your lack
of appreciation
for my poetry
and favorite songs
says everything
this art is what I am
if my soul has a language
this is it
if you can’t speak it
I don’t want you
December 27th~han
Dec 2017 · 492
Heart over Mind
han Dec 2017
Every now and then
I stop my mind
for a moment
and let myself feel
exactly what I’m feeling
I let my heart
be in charge
What I find
is almost scary
I realize
this isn’t
the reality
I want
December 27th~han
Dec 2017 · 353
Rising Up
han Dec 2017
All this time
You tried to knock me
off my feet
Onto my knees
but you only taught me
how to stand
and rise again
against you

All this time
You tried to silence
my voice
and my power
but you only showed me
how powerful my voice is

All this time you tried to
brainwash me
with your words
but you’ve made me
a forward independent thinker
because I know your tactics

All this time
you’ve wrecked my life
burned my bridges
tore apart my home
I was getting stronger
rising from the ashes

After all this time
I’ve realized
You don’t hate me
You’re afraid of me
and of what I’ve become
It’s been a rough year, but I can feel a revolution coming on. Trying to take triump in tribulation:)
December 25th~han
Dec 2017 · 164
You Don’t Understand
han Dec 2017
You don’t understand
Why I care so much
You don’t understand
Why I’m so anxious
You don’t understand
My stress
My heartache
You just don’t quite get how
Your silence hurts
You don’t comprehend
My unexplainable sadness
& I think that’s why we’re here
You don’t get me
as much as you try
I am too much
for you to understand
yet I apologize
for being who I am
You don’t get
Why I’m apologizing
& I guess I don’t either
December 14th~han
Dec 2017 · 526
Talk Too Much
han Dec 2017
I talk too much
Words spill out
Whereas you don’t
You have little to say
and I take your silence
as not caring
rather than simply lack of words
I talk too much even for the both of us
December 8th~han
Dec 2017 · 403
Looking Up
han Dec 2017
I’ve looked up in awe
my heart nearly bursts
it’s beating so rapidly
because this is beauty
& I get to witness it
I am humbled
by the beauty
I am so small
& so are my worries
This gives me inspiration
The same hand
which sculpted these mountains
and painted these stars
Will carry me through
I am so happy to be alive
& to have a purpose
December 8th~han
Dec 2017 · 314
Observer of the World
han Dec 2017
I love the way the world
passes by me like a movie scene
I’m in the car
gazing out the window
content being an observer
I realize I am so small
compared to this world
My one little story
is apart of the bigger
That plays itself out before me
December 6th~han
Dec 2017 · 404
han Dec 2017
Traveling is like a drug
I’m high when I reach my hand out
the window and feel the wind
When I stand on a mountain
or with my feet in the sand
For a moment this is reality
and I never wanna go home
The world is home
December 6th~ han
Dec 2017 · 205
A Legend
han Dec 2017
You, are a **** legend
The moon glows for you
and longs to be with you
that’s why it comes at night
to keep your wild, dark heart
you, my beloved friend
are a legend
December 8th~han
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
Sharing Poetry
han Nov 2017
I used to share my poetry with you
but I don’t anymore
It’s so personal
I don’t think you truly appreciate it
Not that it’s beautiful or artistic
but painfully honest
Maybe I’m looking for someone
to empathize with me
and you can’t
November 26th ~han
Nov 2017 · 147
han Nov 2017
If I can swim in two feet of water
then I can swim in ninety
This depth won’t drown me
My legs are strong
but my mind is stronger
November 26th ~han
Nov 2017 · 144
Without Us
han Nov 2017
‘What would you do if we were no more?’
You told me you’d be sad
and you’d cry
That’s really all you said
I was shocked
If you left I’d fall apart
right onto the ground
Each piece of me would lie at your feet
It’s sad, but true
I would shatter and be engulfed
I’m more dependent on you
than I’d like to ever admit
November 16th~han
Nov 2017 · 173
No Sense
han Nov 2017
I want to be independent
yet I have attachment issues
I say I don’t want to be helped
yet I need help all the time
I always know what the answer is
but I always ask questions
I am a sensible person
but I make no sense
November 16th~han
Nov 2017 · 192
han Nov 2017
I apologized for the way I was
he accepted my apology
I guess I should be glad,
but apart of me hoped
he’d tell me I did nothing wrong
I think I’m really selfish
without meaning to be
He can’t understand my pain
I feel it so deeply
I wish I were lighter like he is,
but I cannot be
I’ve tried and I apologize
then again I don’t know why
I apologize for what I am
November 16th~han
Nov 2017 · 358
The Sun & Moon
han Nov 2017
He is the sun
I am the moon
He’s attracted to me
because I’m wild and dark
I wonder if he realized
I’d unintentionally take his sunshine
November 16th~han
Nov 2017 · 232
han Nov 2017
There is no home here
Only four walls
and an echo of yelling
There is no comfort here
only selfishness
There is no stability
only cracked foundation
There was no childhood here
mostly just rough times
There is no dad
just a man who sits in his place
There is no money
only enough to scrape by this month
There is no peace
only violence and unhappiness
There is no contentment from me
just longing to leave
and I envy all those who had these things
If home is where the heart is
I have none
November 11th~han
Nov 2017 · 173
Your Words
han Nov 2017
does it ever dawn on you that
your words are weapons
put them down before you do anymore
the destruction you’re causing
with them is incomprehensible
you’re killing hearts
it’s selfish you know
what you’re doing
simply because you can
words are powerful
but you’re responsible for them
and how you use them
these gashes are too deep to heal
these scars won’t fade quickly
so put your words away
before they hurt someone else
November 11th~han
Nov 2017 · 180
Small Minded People
han Nov 2017
I can’t deal
with small minded people
they stomp
on my soul’s freedom
and liberation
I won’t do
people who simply conform
into the world
I want the wild ones:
the ones who don’t follow patterns
or fit inside lines
or go neatly into boxes
I want the throw aways
the ones who are doing their best
to make it to tomorrow
but those who spend time
to appease the masses
are the worst types
of human
Nov 11th ~han
Nov 2017 · 150
A Piece of Cake
han Nov 2017
I’m fine
I’ll say no
but you look
like a piece of cake
so easy to just want a taste
but it’s never just a bite
it’s always a little
bit more
November 11th~han
Nov 2017 · 103
My Poems
han Nov 2017
My poems tend to be
short and sweet
or long and depressing.
Not sure if this describes
my writing style
or my mind.
November 11th~han
Nov 2017 · 94
han Nov 2017
I used to wonder what they
thought of me
Now I wonder what I
think of myself
November 11th~han
Nov 2017 · 2.1k
Ode to the Patriarchy
han Nov 2017
The sweet smell
of patriarchy
in the morning
Don’t you hear
catcalls like birds
in the distance
Or you’d look better
Maybe the sound
of a woman’s
nails clawing
her way out
of an abusive
somehow shunned
for being *****
or harassed
and finding courage
to speak out
His emotions
mean little
because masculinity
is strength
She can’t bench
and he can’t squat
a nice max
they’re weak
Don’t you think
there’s a better
career for a girl?
You can’t run
a mile
or for president
like I can
but in the same
breath I’ll tell you
the patriarchy is
Han~ nov 5th
Oct 2017 · 113
han Oct 2017
Words tumble
out of your wide mouth
but your eyes
tell a different story
Oct 29th ~han
Oct 2017 · 120
Not Okay
han Oct 2017
We aren’t okay,
but that’s fine
I’m what he needs
And he’s what keeps me together
We hold one another
so tightly
that all the shattered pieces stay
We let our brokenness
bind us
I’m still unsure
if this is beautiful
or tragic
October 22nd ~han
Oct 2017 · 155
I won't sit
han Oct 2017
I will not sit
I will not observe,
Or see any sort
of discrimination
Not until
do not exist
Which is never,
so I will never
October 4th ~han
Oct 2017 · 94
My Mother
han Oct 2017
My heart aches for my mother
She has given herself
Over and over again
To her children
To a husband
To be disregarded
Expected to be more than she is
Asked to work a full time job
Tend to a house and children
While a man sits on the couch
Barking and barking
Do this, do that
Living a double standard
I want more for my mother
I want her to feel empowered
My heart aches for her
October 4 ~han
Sep 2017 · 337
Wild Paths Less Traveled
han Sep 2017
Vincent Van Gogh told us
normality is a paved road,
a comfortable walk,
but that's not what I want
I want to dance in a field of sunflowers
I want to breathe blue skies and sunshine
I want to climb mountains
Therefor there are no paved roads for me
Only the ones less traveled
and they will make all the difference
September 20th ~Han
Sep 2017 · 141
han Sep 2017
A world to describe
the first thing that comes to mind
is simply inadequate
I am not enough
I cannot keep up
All my stress comes out through tears
I am spilling over the edges
I have too much to handle
Yet I am simply not enough
Utterly inadequate
I cannot keep up
Scores, calculations, projects
I cannot focus
It is all simply too much
September 19th ~han
Sep 2017 · 121
Some Friends
han Sep 2017
Some friends have such a connection
that our souls touch when we talk
Some friends feel more like family
than any family we've ever known
September 6th ~han
Sep 2017 · 169
Broken People
han Sep 2017
I think we're all just broken people,
searching for souls that make us forget
how much we're really hurting
September 6th   ~han
Sep 2017 · 147
I Love Him
han Sep 2017
I love him for all he is
and all he could be
I see the stars in his eyes
and the ones in his future
I look back at how far he's came
and how far he's got to go
I want to grow with him
and continue on growing
He is beautiful
and will be beautiful for all his days
September 3rd ~han
Jul 2017 · 259
A Trail to my Lips
han Jul 2017
The mark on my chin
Where the skin is pink  
due to lack of pigment
An ugly contrast I thought
Until he lifted my chin
and smiled
"It's cute," he said
"A trail straight to your lips,"
and kissed my worries away
July 26th ~han
Jul 2017 · 248
8am, Over Coffee
han Jul 2017
A quiet coffee shop
Across from someone
Let them lead the conversation
and listen
Sooner or later
you'll learn what they love
Let them talk
about what they're passionate about
It's beautiful
to see their eyes light up
with ideas and recollection
July 26th ~han
Jul 2017 · 162
han Jul 2017
I am surrounded
by people
who call me 'friend'
yet I feel so lonely
because you're gone
and I don't know
if you'll be back
July 25th ~han
Jul 2017 · 137
Out of Reach
han Jul 2017
Oh no my darling
I want to wipe those tears
I want to dry your eyes
I want to kiss away the pain
Hug you tight
until your brokenness is no longer
but I cannot
You are out of reach
This hurts more than you'll ever know
July 25th ~han
Jul 2017 · 172
a long road to self love
han Jul 2017
I will learn beauty
I will be okay with myself
I will take care of myself
I will smile
July 21st ~han
Jul 2017 · 188
han Jul 2017
You and I need our own strength
I need you to be your own light
I need to be my own
so we aren't just enough
to supply some lightbulbs
but an entire city
July 21st ~han
Jul 2017 · 123
Your Love to Me
han Jul 2017
I realized your love is to me,
as sunshine is to the earth:
making flowers grow,
revealing vivid color,
fighting out the darkness
and making this life purposeful
July 20th ~han
Jul 2017 · 178
Begging for Art
han Jul 2017
I picked up a pencil and began to sketch
My fingers begged to create something
Something beautiful, something aesthetic
Yet it did not come
Then it dawned on me
art cannot and is not forced
You do not find art
It finds you
July 20th ~han
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