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Shifting, sand underfoot
and the moon bent
in reflected splendor, up from the sea, and from the
tresses of your hair;

black, in that time
of dreaming.

The stars,
innumerable in their glory,
wink down at
us gently as we walk,

their mysteries

for in your eyes
lie the sum of
their light.
This is a draft I put together in 2016 and promptly forgot about. I've edited it some, but I'm pretty sure I've just polished it up a little, meaning intact. Figured its about time it got some air.
The burns will heal.
After time wounds always heal.
That doesn't mean they won't be
easily ripped open.
Especially if they are not stitched together properly,
and that is what you do to me.
I had begun to write the words
that I did not understand.  And
as I stared at the black pen
in my hands, I was reawakened.
our irony is that we are made of love
yet we seek it in the wrong places
in faces and in feelings
we never find our reflection
all our elements are watered down
and we need to rise above
when tragedy is upon us
we must learn to drown in love
all our feelings give us hope
but we can't out run our pride
all our emotions form a web
that eventually covers up our eyes
lies and loss
live in everything
keep moving and you will be the king
drink from the spring of yesterday's owls
drunk on words we become foul
cool down your heart
we blister in the desert
churn the ocean and make it sweaty
dread nothing
forever we are free
to inspect the clouds
for subtle signs of tyranny
 Nov 2018 harlon rivers
 Nov 2018 harlon rivers
Once you reach
a certain age
you will wonder
which faces will fade
which friendships will die
and what memories
will become
only sparks
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