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melodies and spirits of the afterglow
dance within and outside my conscious mind
silent beats and haunting echoes
weave and work through me
like ghosts in a mirror
tantalizing notes within the silence
a guide to endless lucidity
I am released into unbounded thought
and impassioned calm
and delivered reborn
into my awakened state
just a little bit of streaming thought while listening to 'afterglow' amazing 2 hour bit of ambient music
The morning fog
paints the forest hillside
an ashen shade of pale
dawn shadows
arising — stumbling
through the dark,
like some kind
of disappointment
drifting in the memory
of a forgotten dream

a sigh settles
in a fragile breath
upon the windowpane
then drools down
upon the sill
like gathered dust
on an empty
picture frame

a sudden gust
of loneliness brings
a reawakening shiver
whispering silently
as an old violin
without a bow,
tuned to a forlorn
  hidden ache —
in the quiet darkness
of your memories

Jesse Stillwater
November 2018

The Corrs - Everybody Hurts UNPLUGGED -
Amazing version of the R.E.M. Song
wake up and go
blue sky
puffy clouds
wandering glider
slightly above
ocean abyss
water reflecting
flickering dreams
lucid moment
thistle seeds
floating around
leaves have fallen
rolling green hills
straddling the way
amber leaves
forgotten from landscape
beautiful memory
dreaming of wings
Nature sings a song, melodious and sweet
In colours brown, yellow, green and
Resplendent the rainbow arcs
In every hue
Replenishes the soul
Joyous, the heart
Dances to Nature’s Beats
 Dec 2018 harlon rivers
I feel as if I have paper skin
Fire for eyes and water
that swirls And sloshes inside.
And the water is rotting my moldy skin as it begins to douse the fire within.
 Dec 2018 harlon rivers
always remember to talk to yourself
like someone you love...
Music sleeps.....
In my un strummed chords
I wait for the touch of skillful hands
To turn it into flowing melody
A lotus dreaming to see the sun!

How long can I remain silent?
Oh touch me, shake me
Wake me from my slumber
Make me into a throbbing rhapsody

Set free this prisoner
To birth soothing chimes
Note after note in tiny wavelets
Let my vibrations carve circles
Growing bigger and bigger
Oh, give me the timbre and tone
Let me sing once more!

Let the music drizzle down
In healing murmurs
Lifting troubled spirits into calm repose
Leading them to a quiet fold
Free of all fever and fret
Let my soft rhymes
Fill the empty cisterns of the night,
Wooing the hearts
Weaving mystical spells

Let it rise and sink
And finally fade into a soft breath
A hushed whisper
A faint vibration
Over a gliding stream!
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