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 Mar 2015 Jamie Biggs
 Mar 2015 Jamie Biggs
I feel so lonely
No one to trust
Turn to.
Supposed to be friends are more worried about themselves and can't notice what I'm doing.
I'm hiding
Hurting emotionally
to the point where I've gone
numb inside.
The only times I remember I have feelings is
when the flood of emotions comes rushing out
leaves me
and panting for air.
 Mar 2015 Jamie Biggs
 Mar 2015 Jamie Biggs
This can’t be normal ..

I crave your touch, lips and love

You're the drug
And I'm the addict

A simply touch will take my breath away

And a kiss will freeze my thoughts

Same as my soul, are you my soulmate ?
Lips touch for the first time
Feeling like the world is mine
Who knew it could get this good
Wondering if you ever a knew love like mine
Let's leave the lust and start with the trust
Letting go starts a new
Together we can make most days feel like better days
Call me with sweet words and a soft touch from you
Love is the best when it comes from you
Thoughts and memories of your touch
Let's be renewed
Embrace life with this heart for you
I’m making love to you
As the candle light dances like a elegant ballerina
The sweetness of your body makes me tremble
As my feeble fingers touch your love
Like an angel spreading its wings
Your smell is sweet and warm
Skin so fragile and pitifully white
I will come for you tonight
 Mar 2015 Jamie Biggs
Johnnie Rae
Once you're here,
I'm sure I'll drown in your love,
your kiss will be like candy,
I won't ever get enough,

Your touch,
Running electricity through my veins,
you're like my drug,
I'm so easily addicted to you,

Hold my heart,  
It's beating for you anyway,

Your love,
is like life support,
keeping me alive,
and if thats the case,
I know I'll survive.
 Mar 2015 Jamie Biggs
Dana Taylor
Just touch me and that first electric contact sparks a chaotic chain reaction of desire for the next touch in every place I can be touched.
In other places that will never be touched, knowing that the desire will never be sated is almost too much for this eager body to tolerate.

Just touch me and my trembling body opens to you like a flower stretching toward the sun. The center of my femininity oozes hotness like lava from a volcano.

Just touch me and all my inhibitions drop to the ground like dry, shriveled leaves fall from the mighty oak in autumn.
I become free to completely accept your touch as an ongoing gift to my ever hungry body.

Just touch me because I'm not always certain when the next touch may come.
Your touch can be as elusive as a four-leaf clover in a field of green. Sometimes your touch can last so long that it becomes as vital to me as oxygen.

Just touch me because you want to.
Just touch me because I want you to.
Just touch me because you can.
Just touch me.

— The End —