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The sea is never calm
If it ever gets calm, there'd be no wave to give us the breeze we need

Love is never calm
If it ever gets calm, there'd be no need for us to keep trying

Our love is like the sea.
We need the angry waves to keep us moving
We need to keep trying. its gonna be worth it soon
i've personified
the Stars, the Clouds,
the Sun, the Moon,

the Trees, the Breeze,
a Red Balloon

i've personified
Death and Love,
and Pride and Gloom

but I'm finding it very hard
giving human traits to you
 Jan 2015 Hailey Hernandez
Let Go
 Jan 2015 Hailey Hernandez
If he tells you he loves you but doesn't ever prove it, let him go.
If he pushes you down more than he picks you up, let him go.
If he doesn't make you smile like he did the first time you saw him, let him go.
If he's the reason why your pillow is soaked with tears every night, let him go.
If he ever threatens to leave you because he doesn't get his way, let him go.
If he's cracking your heart a little more everyday, let him go.
If he makes her smile while you're sitting alone crying, let him go.
If he makes you hate yourself, let him go.
If he tries to change you, let him go.
If he forces you into things you don't want, let him go.
If he's the reason for the empty feeling in your chest, let him go.
If he leaves and comes back whenever he pleases, let him go.
If you've given him more than one chance and he ***** up again, let him go.

Letting go is one of the hardest things to do, but sometimes there's nothing else you can do. Yeah, I know you love him. You're more important, though. I promise that you will be okay without him. Don't let him drag you down no matter how much you love him because I guarantee he doesn't love you as much as he claims to.

How to be unhappy all the time:

it's not hard
to be sad
and angry
and unpleased with the world
because the way you see the world
is how you feel
but the way you feel
is how you see the world

and you think,
if all you see,
is the happiness
of your friends
and family
in their life's
and loves
you'd be
to be happy too

but all I see
is the lack of love
in my life
the lack of someone
to remind it's alright

all I see
is the girl whose found her love
and they are happy together
and I'm happy for them too
I'm just sad for myself

all I see
is the girl with her girlfriend
desperately in love
and I'm happy for them
I'm just sad for myself

all I see
are my friends happy
in everything that happens
and I'm happy for them
I'm just sad for myself

I know wallowing
in self pity
can't get me far
but it's hard to be
when the world
doesn't feel that way.

I am just sad.
There are too many songs
written about love.
What about putting ourselves first
and caring about security?
Can one be happy without a great
significant other?
Sure love is great.
I like the songs that are about
all the great complications.
Music beats any unpleasant noise.
The notes and lyrics beat any
Feelings are ignored since there is
too much and too many people to
deal with.
Listen to the music.
Not every message will be right for all.
Write your own music.
Express your feelings no matter the lack of common
To the alternative acoustic who writes about their
newborn child.
For the rapper writing about the children in the neighborhood without a chance.
The opera singer who sings for when we let go.
The pop star who expresses the joy of being
single again.
And how about the rock star honoring their new electric guitar.
So many feelings,
so many meanings.
Forget the right and wrong.
Just listen, write, and feel.
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