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 Aug 2023 Glenn Currier
I want to see the northern lights
but I cannot say why

it is said that sometimes
if conditions are right
you can see them from here

but it never seems to work
for me

even if the sky is clear
I cannot see them
when I am told I might

others say they have seen them here
I don’t think I believe them

some set a camera
on very long exposure
to take their picture

I can’t stare at the sky
for a very long time
all at once
like a camera

maybe I want to see them
because I haven’t seen them before

there are other things I want to see
but never have

like the life I was meant to have
with you

maybe if I’d had
a better camera
I really truly don't know    
some things under the    
sun and sky  
attract and catch my    
Quite queerly they    
happen to be  
hot melting smelting    
that melt into exquisite    
Take for instance heated    
liquid gold  
molten glass or molten    
and to watch magma    
'neath the earth's fold  
Ooh, I love just about any    
melting mass.  
With similar bizarre    
ecstasy and fascination  
I like to watch 
onscreen molten lava  
Gliding in serpentine    
turns, oblivious of my    
Ah, I just love all that    
golden molten mass . 

Liquidised metal, liquid fire
I just never ever tire
Sometimes I even have    
such an eccentric craving  
to watch just any solid    
beauty melting smelting  
that I satisfy this craving    
by simply imagining  
the honey to be some    
liquid fire gold glowing    
in a crystal clear jar and    
liken it to  
metallic gold syrup in    
the furnace burning  
As if it were stagnant    
right before me churning !  
As for other mesmeric    
that I find real eye-  
are those which    
everybody else finds    
And they are in all shine,
in heavenly mould and cast,  
magical celestial stardust  
or glittery terrestrial gold    
or dazzling diamond dust,
in mankind's metallic    
materialistic lust.!  

Btw I am allergic to earthly  
I lost my mind
Trying to decode and fight
A world based on
He saw the light
Telling him to
Inform or to write.
My mind objected
And your hearsay was rejected.
 Aug 2023 Glenn Currier
Looking into your eyes,
I see the stars shine.

Looking into your eyes,
Eases my tainted mind.

Looking into your eyes,
I see the love you have for mine.

Your eyes are looking into mine,
I’m loosing track of time.

These moments feel like forever,
I only wish they would be.

The notion that one day you won’t be gazing into my eyes, makes these moments all the more special.

Life moves fast. Enjoy the small moments. Nothing in this world, is made to last.

Ill be looking into your eyes, I hope that sight will be my very last.
4 Say
No beginning,
No end,
Empty pages,
No story.
Why why you chose him?
And give me sleepless nights.
Live wisely with no regrets,
For you die only once.
It's too big
for the corner pocket

and that's no longer
a call I can make

my life now
reduced to shaking

a ******* ball

with an eight

and peering
into the deep blue

for  a suitable
dimestore prophecy
 Jul 2023 Glenn Currier
MS Anjaan
Time is fast, faster when You utilise it and even fastest when You realise it.
                                                      M.S. Anjaan
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