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Siting in a car driven by something else
It wants to drive crazy
Go close to the edge
Zig zag
May even flip
Swerve around til it's you it grips
After a while you get car sick
Decide you've had enough of being driven by the shifting gear stick
So you get in the drivers seat drive to the best of your ability
Keep with the safeties
Stay on the road
Learn to lighten insides heavy load
The longer you drive
the further
you go.........
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
it is a miracle
how you take my stormy clouds
and shine a           r a i n b o w
 Jul 2017 Felix Andlar
do our hearts really break?
or are they just bent into a new shape,
ready to fit into a new person's?

if i could tell you i would let you know.

who are we, really?
behind the laughter, the tears
behind the people we pretend to be
what are we made of?

if i could tell you i would let you know.

do we stay the same
our whole lives
or do we shed our past selves,
evolving into a new version
of us, free of the shadows
that used to haunt our hearts?

if i could tell you i would let you know.

why do we change for people?
why do we pretend to be people we're not
just to mold ourselves
into a warped version of the people
we used to be?

who are we, really?

*if i could tell you i would let you know.
 Jul 2017 Felix Andlar
I drink coffee like
I take
holy communion-
with eyes closed
in thankful
 Jul 2017 Felix Andlar
A feeling I've never felt before. I thought I had that feeling before until you entered my soul. I thought it had been taken before and it never was. A feeling I've never felt before. My whole body looses control, my voice box expels as you make me sing... hit high notes, hit low notes. A feeling I've never felt before. After my soul lays in your arms vulnerable. Shocked. A feeling I've never felt before. You helped me loose control. You helped me get lost. A feeling I've never felt before, there's no way no other man could give me that feeling... I thought I have felt that before but you are really my first.
 Jul 2017 Felix Andlar
Cait Harbs
Don't worry, love,
I know those gates of stone
stand firmly
to guard the most precious parts
of your soul.

I am not here like the others;
not as a warrior
planning a siege
or a strategist
plotting to knock them down.

I respect your walls too much.

You have fought in more wars
than most;
you have been betrayed by more loves
than most could survive -
your walls are the result
of your scars.

So here I stand before you,
my weapons laid down,
my intentions spread out before the Sun,
with nothing in my hands
but open palms,
asking you
to let me in.

Show me, love,
all those terrible,
wild flowers
growing in your garden -
I want to do nothing
but paint them to remember,
and carry their fallen petals
safely in my heart.

Open up to me, please,
my love -
I am already yours.
She has been burnt and scarred.
From long days in purple mountain sun.
There are scars from battles I've won.
There are lines from where it has been marred.
I trace the precious lines of my many tattoos.
My ink, my story, my battle paint.
I suppose they don't really tell the story of a saint.
Then there are the bruises of beautiful blacks and blues.
Earned from long hard days at work and play.
She has stretched over heartbreaks and Thanksgiving dinners.
But these curves aren't for beginners.
Only the bold can travel on this carnal highway.
I have been both proud and ashamed of her.
She has been poked, prodded and grabbed.
She has been caressed and stabbed.
She isn't for some amateur.
I have hated and adored this temple I am in
She has been strong and weak.
She has been radiant and bleak.
But I am proud of this skin.
skin love hate need want touch caress stab grab proud ashamed pain hatred happy skinny fat thick thin weak strong
Quiet summer night.
Sitting beneath the moon so bright.
Grey-blue clouds slowly dance.
Over the lesser light.
Trees in silhouette black.
No wind in sight.

Quiet beauty.
Quiet heart.
Quiet summer night.

Quiet Presence.
Of God.

Quiet Love.

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