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I may not be perfect,
But I really want to tell you;
If you just sincerely forgive then forget,
I would be what you want me to.

A friend you can count on,
Somebody who loves you;
Who thinks it is worth to be both,
And have you as one of the best few.

We shared lots of things,
And I know those are treasures kept;
Which left heartprints on our path,
And on this path lies everything.

We just take things positively,
These are trials and sorrows;
That comes in between,
Forgive and forget is what we believe in...
Love starts.
Love grows.
Love lies.
Love hurts.
Love ends.
Love *****.
Love comes...again.
Love lasts.
Love exists.

Love starts with the eyes,
Eventually a hi or hello will come next.
A small talk will happen,
Then friendship comes along.

Love grows from that friendship--
Courtship & dating will happen;
Then you started trusting,
Eventually you fall for a kiss.

Love lies from words & actions,
Secrets are revealed,
Then trust was destroyed;
There's no more turning back.

Love hurts like truth hurts,
Tears may fall
Or maybe not at all,
So you just end curling up like a ball.

Love ends like life does end,
But would that be all?
Would there be any love left
Or just nothing at all?

Love ***** like a gazillion bucks.
As pain deepens, bitterness grows,
And so does fear comes along with it
Hence, no more chances to love again.

Love comes...again
In the right time and place
With the right person
For the right reasons.

Love lasts...forever.
Taking chances is not bad at all
'Coz from those heartaches
You've just become stronger.

Love really exists
Just like God exists.
So let's all believe,
To live, laugh, & love!

Love starts.
Love grows.
Love lies.
Love hurts.
Love ends.
Love *****.
Love comes...again.
Love lasts.
Love exists.
I'm going to escape it all for a day
No socialization, no worries
No hint of fear, no hidden glory
Nothing but myself, to whom I'll tell a story

No one to talk to, No thoughts to consume me
No one to tend to and no clowns to amuse me
Just lay there awake with melodies soothing my mind.
Looking deeper at life, now that I have the time

When I'm done drowning and segregate from my box
I'll wait at the door, and wonder if you'll knock
I hope you forgive me without even a reason
Because even a lonely summer could be such a cold season
Dedicated to my current state of emotions :/

— The End —