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Sep 2018 · 913
Our Differences
Fikayomi Sep 2018
They stare, she smiles,
they grin, she observes.
They pity, she's queasy,
they brood, she walks away--
life as a lady with a crutch.

I smile, they hail,
I step out, they celebrate,
I emit knowledge, they are wowed;
I struggle to fit in, they support.

I try to be unique just as I am, but the struggle within, no one seem to care;
life as a man, a physically challenged survivor.

They celebrate our strength, but our weakness imprisons us,
they profess their love, a love that soon fades away;
they show their care, but we just want to be hale.

They assure us of a bright future-- a future they would never dare to feature in.

They speak, they wish, they support, but we always want more because our defects make us different.
Life of a physically challenged survivor.
Sep 2018 · 347
My World
Fikayomi Sep 2018
Be outspoken, they advice
Be bold, they caution
But deep down, my pen had always been my best friend.
It knows my deepest secrets!
It reverence my cool,
And understands my wound.
I can converse in a million written words,
But a thousand spoken words will be a struggle.

Call it self-esteem,
Deem it temperament,
I'm so addicted,
I don't crave for a change.
See, I love this shell,
Written words makes me sane.
I can boldly express my fears.
Don't try to change me,
Only bring up interesting topics when we see,
And believe me,
A million spoken words will be birth,
Though without much eye contact,
'Cause that I've always dread!
Life as an introvert.
Sep 2017 · 333
Fikayomi Sep 2017
What comes next, after the storm?
Is it a time to mourn and pull up fronts?
Or a time to look back and say: "it made strong?"
It's never easy to say what we feel,
But deep down, we know how it is;
The storm had waged hard against our boat.

We dare to give up the struggle without a bout
Fears grew to excuses
And the excuses inscribed on our heart like tattoos.
But we sailed,
We experienced,
And it made us understand the storm better.

Hey, though the storm may rage
And attempt to sway you away
It may rock against your boat and make a tearful sail,
In this be confident;
That the Lord of the waves,
In your boat He's in
And the storms has no choice, but to be still.
But after the storm will you see to it;
That He brought you out to win,
To stand out and be far different,
Different from all that had a peaceful sail?

What really comes next after the storm?
I'll say strength, courage, faith and the ability to survive any odd.
Sep 2017 · 225
Never Forget
Fikayomi Sep 2017
So, we never forget;
The hurts and disdain,
Troubles and taunts,
Tears and fears,
Everything they ever caused us.

So we never forget;
The smiles and laughs,
The care and love,
The kisses and elation,
Every comfort we ever experienced.

Though we feign to forget,
But we never really did ’cause each experience leaves a mark on our heart that reads: “I’ve been through this path before and I can never forget its route.
Jan 2017 · 324
If I Never
Fikayomi Jan 2017
If I never had a scar
I wont be a star

If I never felt pain
I wont understand gain

If I never felt sorry
I wont fathom glory

If I never had faith
I won't survive fate

If I never worried
I wouldn't have tried

If I never failed
I won't be able to blaze a trail.
Life gives us many reasons not to try,
Tis easy to give up at the sight of challenges,
But with determination, you can relentlessly overcome.

Why not try to thrive again despite the strive you face today.
Give everything a try
And see your success ingniting like a fire.
You can and you've got the power to succeed!
Dec 2016 · 592
Fikayomi Dec 2016
Christ came to save
Making His love to stay
Not just for this day
But everyday to remain.

Came as a little infant
Laid in that manger
From birth
The path of humility He paved.

All for love He came
To bring redemption to reign
Illuminating every darkness
The joy of salvation He made.

Not just for a soul
Neither for a while,
But forever to every heart who believes
That He came for all to save.
Fikayomi Dec 2016
Let's have a World of ordinary people
Where we don't judge by the skin color
Where we don't decide by a certain race.

People Who knows;
Together we can make the World a better place
And then,
Only then;
we'll be able to do extraordinary things together!

So hold my hands;
Black or white;
Young or old;
We're all human.
Look beyond the skin;
Look beyond the age
And let's achieve greatness together!

We can make extraordinary things;
Even as ordinary people Who choose to love each other in an extraordinary way.
Dec 2016 · 560
Fikayomi Dec 2016
Try to hide it;
Do all you can to fake it;
Mix with the trend
And come out as perfect;
But you know that ain't You

Faux perfectionism,
Impersonated personality
But within you're frail
Only trying to look fly
Why not come out clean and admit the truth?
Quit painting reality
And embrace the real YOU!
Dec 2016 · 324
Hotline To Heaven
Fikayomi Dec 2016
Hotline To Heaven

Had my muse in place
Checked through for what's left to say
Pulled a call through
Mouth opened agar
Ready to vent it all out as usual
But Doubt pricked me to believe
"I've been dailling a HOTLINE all the while.

I tried to convince myself
Tried to pull that fiend of Doubt down
But it had gotten a firm grip of my mind
I had indulged it to taunt
It had taken the strongest part of me
Made my faith frail
And I lost the euphoria to vent it all out.

I stare at myself,
"Is the line to heaven really that busy?"
"Why can't He responds immediately?"
"Must He always treat me like the customer care service on earth
Who never seems to attend to our needs on time?"
I queried and blamed
But it was of no gain.

Now I can't ***** a thing
My life is blank
Like the emptiness you feel when away from the virtual world
No.... It's more like a heartbreak
The longing you have for that special one
Only when they're finally gone.

Now I try to get my muse back
Now I know better that it's truly a HOTLINE
But God will never put me to a long wait
He loves me so much than to watch depression hover around me
But I have a role to play
I have to stand against it and refuse its advice.

It's truly busy
But there's someone who's ready to attend to it all
He might seem quite
Or the lines breaking up
But you have to keep up with it
Till your every need is met
And God brings you out unscathed.

— The End —