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 Sep 2014 Feeler
Niles Heron
i didn’t know she
existed outside my dreams.
i’d never been good at keeping
my hands empty, or
my cup watered, or keeping flowers
alive, until my knock-knock jokes
bloomed and ran over the edges; until
I became more
forever than
 Sep 2014 Feeler
lost girl
i know the moment i fell for you.

it was when the skies were bright
and there was a twinkle in your eyes.
you were shaking your head
at something i said,
you were smiling widely
and your head was slightly bent.

i knew in that moment i was completely and utterly *******
and it was all because of you.
 Sep 2014 Feeler
Pocket Daisies
 Sep 2014 Feeler
pocket daisies stripped of sun
where do you go when autumn comes?

under strangers stitching forests
cott-on weather vanes lost in wind;

hide yourselves in golden tombs
let your drums beat out the dust

sleep until the days are done
when all that's left is cold and worn.
 Sep 2014 Feeler
 Sep 2014 Feeler
when Helen tried to
commit suicide I didn't
know until she told me
at the Oklahoma! premier
when I said I hadn't seen
her in so long and she
casually stuffed her
hands in her pockets
and said Well, yeah,
I tried to **** myself
and was in a place

so I took her face
between my palms
and kissed her forehead
which was out of character
for me, back then, but I wanted
to pull the black out of her brain
with my lips.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014

I miss her and we weren't even great friends.
 Aug 2014 Feeler
Yes, we shall walk through ferns as tall as our waist
And step over the beige colored mushrooms
We'll sit down and dream beside the creek
And let the melody of a cello and harp duet
Refresh us and give us strength anew
We'll live inside that old-fashioned home
With lovely wallpaper in nearly every room
We'll sit down together on the comfortable window seat
Overlooking the dreamy farm with tall, tall grass
And rustic fences here and there in those verdant pastures
We can sip cold Dr. Pepper on the privacy of our verandah
Enjoying the silence together--me and you
We'll stroll through gardens full of iris blooms
Take walks down our flowering cherry tree lane
Walk inside the beautiful forest with wild honeysuckle vines
And periwinkles carpeting the forest floor
Yes, we'll wander aimlessly all day
Maybe walk a few dogs and ride some horses
This is our dream that may never come true
But we'll keep on wishing for it--me and you

Written for my Mom Hilda inspired by the poem she wrote for me
Titled 'My Dream For You'!!!
Enjoy!!! ~~~<3
 Aug 2014 Feeler
Andrew Durst
This heart is no longer
a home. And my head
is no longer a bearing
place for your dreams.
 Nov 2013 Feeler
There's something about living in this ice cold desert called loneliness.
Just makes you appreciete the little things in life.

Like when someone gives you a hug,
its like the sun peaks up over the horizon,
filling your body with overwhelming warmth,
melting away all the ice,
thawing out your frozen soul.

Feels so **** good...

You hope that it'll be everlasting and never leave,
but the sun sets,
and it does.

Now your cold again.
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