You are smog you are
the suffocating greyness coating my
throat in thick layers like a winter coat,
Except on the
Of cupboards behind
Bookshelves you are always there, waiting
For the perfect opportunity to strike
Hard, fast but its always your
Puppets dance on my shoulder they
Don't reflect what's inside
But it doesn't matter, does it?
Only that everyone likes the
Under the sun till my
Head bake heart ache stop pulling on my
Strings I cannot feel my feet anymore
How do I
I promise this alphabet thing is still going on even if it doesn't seem like it but I have school. Dreaded, disgusting, mind-decaying school. I know I'm supposed to be grateful, and I am, I promise. But I just don't know how I'm supposed to like it. What will you do if I won't? Maybe I don't want to. Maybe I never will.