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If you think I regret losing you,
I ask you to think again.

You are the one left with bad memories
Whereas I have a new story to tell.
As time passed by...
I realized that everything has changed...

I still see you everyday,
Yeah, I do
And I feel so grateful for that chance,
for a chance to see you once more
once everyday...

I see you smile,
I see you laugh,
I see you walk all around,
and I see you stand right there.

I see you.
Just you.

But* I know,
You never see me.
In your eyes,
that's no me,
Just her,
and I'll be okay with that.

I realized that...
Love isn't just 'I love you'
Love isn't that simple

I know what I have for you is love,
but it doesn't mean I force you to just be mine.

I won't ever do that.

For me,
Love is you.
Although I knew..

I'm not your reason to feel the same way...
about this one crazy little thing,

All the time and everywhere I look…
The search of my eyes end, when I see what you left and what you took.
I look for the signs you leave,
Back in the room where you lived.

I see the signs like your jacket lying on the couch,
I look at the ring of water percolated from your glass,
I smell a mingle of both your perfume and your scotch,
Resting my eyes on the undone bed, at last.

Bedazzled with the idea of you without you,
I visit the places which I visited with you.
I go to the temple where you took me once,
Making my peace with the fact, that you weren’t here since months.

In the same city, on the same path,
I have your signs enveloped around my heart.
Since I know it won’t be long when you return,
I stare at that coffee shop, wondering when will it be again when we start.

I am habitual to look for your signs,
On the roads which we used to take,
Your roads and mine.
When somebody talks like you,
The habitual me thinks, that your signs they make.

Make that journey of waiting shorter for me,
Let’s look for those signs together, as ‘we’.
Let’s create some more signs for me to reminisce,
And thy signs shall I always seek.
 Jul 2014 Fang Xuyokuna
pen sive
If music is defined as the art of sound that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms,
then your voice, my dear,
is enough to make Beethoven writhe in his grave and long for the ability to listen to your *sweet, soothing melody
14th July 2014
Love is..
Unsalvageable ..
Undeniably unbearable without you..
Fear of being rejected,
Doesn't allow me to have you.
It is like being,
Trapped in an eternal,
Thunderstorm of disdain.
Like drowning metal.
Bleeding liquid pain,
As I watch you,
Not see me
Not know me,
Never need me
And it kills me...

This depression,
Runs in my blood stream.
Blood curls,
And I scream.
Tears are the best sedative
And sleep the best liquor.
Because I can,
Only have you in my dreams.

Its seems
Every dying minute I spend awake,
The reality is much harder to take.
Your absence is absence.

It makes me so cold that,
Breathing threatens to,
Shatter my lungs.
So I hold my breath...
That someday,
You would finally see me.
Or else I would suffer for eternity,
Hemorrhaging internally.

Life is lonely.
Love is merciless.
And I am a victim
Of this ruthless,
Chaotic emotion.
I havent written a poem in a while.

This person is always on my mind.
A heart
if at peace
gives life
to the *body
There isn't a day that goes by where you don't cross my mind. There isn't a night where i don't find myself hankering to call you mine again. When you left, i fell to pieces and those pieces scattered everywhere. I have the habit of looking for you at the bottom of a ***** bottle. Im drowning and my bloods slowly but surely turning to alcohol and before i know it I'm not gonna be able to find those scattered pieces to put myself back together again.
 Jul 2014 Fang Xuyokuna
 Jul 2014 Fang Xuyokuna
Blue is my favorite color
I seem to wear it best
When I'm missing you
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