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  Apr 2019 cleann98
Shi Em
it's hard knowing that
i'll wake up tomorrow
wanting the day to end
  Apr 2019 cleann98
Seazy Inkwell
Melodious, luminous

a small plumage of sounds

Found you, fond of you

The first string laid across the back of Spring, you sing

till my eyes grow rusted and my limbs frost with moss, 

you perch still upon the branches of my broken fingers,

missing not a beat, a note, a loss.


Sing for this sunken world continuously,

my one and only
Max Richter - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons, 1. Spring
Today I learned I alone I'm responsible for my emotions, the only one who cannot let go.
cleann98 Apr 2019
whenever i find myself
placing you in words

so simple
so short
so few

in the only way i know possible,
i'm just drawing
the closest i can to you.

and each single time
i paint your image

in every tint
in every shade
in every hue

in the best way i know,
i'm just showing myself
how forever i'll be with you.
i'll turn you into artwork
with even myself a canvass

each single concept
each single stroke
each single line

if it is the only way
i truly can call you mine.

so this dude pygmalion couldn't find his true love anywhere and he ended up sculpting his dream girl as an ivory statue naming her galatea.

long story short, since he can't have is love any way else, he wound up making her by himself.

sound familiar?

~~R E Q U E S T E D   B Y   my very cute cousin melinoe~~

anyway thank you for reading!!! please request poems or mythologies and stuff like that for me to do i really enjoyed this one :3
  Mar 2019 cleann98
but i am just a “once”
that you never dare
to commit again
#67 mar 08
sapagkat ako ay isa lamang
“minsan” na kailanman
ay hindi mo na inulit pa
cleann98 Mar 2019
counting the  
of passing            
car seats.        
this has been sitting in my drafts kinda too long now and it took me a while looking at this to say that this is already a complete poem. i hope.

a little fitting right? sometimes the things we keep chasing all turn out as red lights in the end...
  Mar 2019 cleann98
woman, not all lost battle
means defeat, stand still
because someday,
all the tears you shed
will bloom rainbows and gardens
in your heart, in your soul
and you will flourish
oh nothing but a beautiful blossom
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