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  Sep 2018 Evon Benjamin
eleanor prince
what is a poet
but a stymied wind
stamping the same soil
seen through polished lens

firing the bugle sound
to reach across some
distant mountain pass
not echo the same

ignite fire
stand strong
find north

for old paths yield
grey packages
more stale

but honed
solidity is found
in structures
built sound

a new song of old notes
rearranged to yield
at times we all need to see what is to be kept and what will be discarded, to reinvent ourselves, our lives, whilst retaining solid ground
  Sep 2018 Evon Benjamin
Don't tell me I'm pretty
Tell me that I'm passionate
That I have drive
Tell me that I make you laugh
That I know how to make your day better
Don't tell me I seem nice
Tell me that I'm kind and compassionate
Tell me that I'm not afraid to dream and to dream big
Don't tell me I'm perfect
Tell me the you love me despite my flaws
That you want to spend the rest of your life with me
Don't tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me that you'll be faithful and forever true
Evon Benjamin Aug 2018
Aching hearts or burning bridges?
My mind races as quickly as your footsteps run amok in my sanctuary.

No peace of mind resides, so peace, I have to leave you behind. Love is all you need, what a fallacy. Trust builds real love. If it flees then love is but a drug, numbing senses, dulling intuitions, instincts,
If it smells like rotten eggs, it stinks

Pleadings and pleasings,
Return to sender please.
Wrong address because you’re not ready to please my mind, ease my mind. Don’t want to me to see the last seen.

Foibles, fumbles, stumbles,
Reminiscent mistakes are daggers to my heart.

Yet, out of the bloodbath comes no effort made to ease the ache of a heartbreak, only sorrow and pain left in its wake.

The struggle continues, solitary soldiering, destined for a peace longed for to ease a troubled mind.
I find it you know, that peace I was looking for.

But nothing is free, oh no Siree,
Especially, not peace.
Evon Benjamin Aug 2018
My head screams ****** ****** for transgressions seemingly unending,

Erring forwarded to my hearing
Crimson vision impaired, offence is the best defence, tackling the tactic, chasing the victory, the vice of being right,

General Pyrrhus charging into battle, the right plight seems fit, only to be defeated by the victory, was it worth it?

When did this invisible limb become so important?

Doesn’t bleed, doesn’t break,
But holds the key to how we take words, our fate, decided by the prison of pride , when will you release yourself, gain victory over the protection that exposes, that sinks deep into our passions
  Aug 2018 Evon Benjamin
I give you my trust
That belongs to so few
So old, it's covered in rust
It's been years since it grew

My trust has grown tough
Having been broken too many times
It's calluses are rough
Rougher than the skin of limes

I am trusting you
Please be careful with me
Promise you'll be true
I break very easily

I love you
That's a fact
Truer than true
It's not an act

So take my trust
Treat it with care
Lest it be dust
Crushed out of despair
Paranoia gets the better of me all too often, but many times I am right to be paranoid. We live in a lying, cheating, broken world.
  Apr 2018 Evon Benjamin
Jasleen kalra
And if you are to love,
Love as the moon loves.
It doesn't steal the night,
It only unveils the beauty of the dark.

And if you are to love,
Love as the rain loves.
It doesn't wet the bodies,
It only washes the sad dirt of the souls.

And if you are to love,
Love as the wind loves.
It doesn't drift away,
It only cleanse you to the core by invading through each pore.

And if you are to love,
Love as the sun loves.
It doesn't radiates heat,
It only pours its warmth on you to enlighten your way.

And if you are to love,
Love as the star loves.
It doesn't delightfully twinkles,
It only reminds you that not even death can separate two hearts.

And so forth,
if you are to love
Love as the whole universe
& not just a part of it.
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