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Evan McClellan Jan 2015
After one month together
You came up with an idea
“Let’s test our love for each other”
I thought, “Why not?”

It started with whimsical ways
You loved the way I laughed in the morning
I loved when you held me tighter when we cuddle
Then we went onto appearances

Oh I love the colors of your irises
Blue and green like the aura borealis
But they were dancing along to a somber song
Rather than a happy one

I brought it up
But you said literally nothing
Which says more than “nothing”
We got into a fight

The snow seemed to melt
From our heated discussion
I left
To let things cool

You stopped responding
To my messages
So I drove back
And opened the door

To the sound of our dog barking
I followed him
To the sunroom
With the vast windows

And there I saw you
Hanging lifeless
From the elegant maple
“What have I done?”

I dashed to you
A layer of fresh snow
Settled on your head
Under you was a note

Carved into the trunk
To this day
I’m still haunted

In that moment, I realized
That’s what happens
When you assign values
To something that cannot be measured
Evan McClellan Nov 2014
Like our love
My veins still have remains
Something I cannot get rid of
And it’s you

In fact
The blood test came back
Like my suicide pact
Positive for you

Resembling the Icelandic poppies
That I planted within my heart
But they are just copies
Of what used to be beautiful

Like the burning impression
Left by your lips
Not as strong as my depression
But still close

As bright as the sun
Giving me warmth on my darkest days
Yet you were done
Right as the clouds rolled in

It’s ironic how something
So fluffy
Is crushing
My inner hopefulness

Accompanied with my illness
As you’re ******* that guy
I know it’s none of my business
But still

It brings a form of serenity
Perhaps because you
Finally found your identity

That’s what my hair bleeds
When I rinse you off me
Identical to a field of weeds
Tangled and knotted

I feel so astronomical
Higher than the galaxies
Yet it feels anatomical
To be down here with you

Coloring in my bruises
From your thoughts
Popped fuses
I’m on overload

Like your excuses
In why you didn’t love me
So why don’t we reintroduce
Each other

So this may never happen again.
  May 2014 Evan McClellan
If I could I would plant sunflower seeds
on every inch of my body
so I know that
one day
I would become
Evan McClellan May 2014
Sky- People say that the I am the limit
Sun- Until you go too high and get burnt by me
Sky- Underneath all the lies
Sun- Is a gun with one bullet loaded
Sky- You may cry while I die
Sun- Stunned while your whole life is spun
Sky- Dry your tears
Sun- Yes I know, It's no fun
I can fly beyond the sky now
Without getting burnt by the sun
Evan McClellan May 2014
A bird trapped in a jar
Break free and fly
Travel to somewhere far
I whisper goodbye

Please don't come back
The pain is to much to bear
Your heart has turned to black
Take care

I’ll be the one waiting on the wire
For someone else to come by
Watching as I tire
The time is endless as pi
Evan McClellan May 2014
My allergies ****
I sneezed twenty times today
Please ****** me now
Evan McClellan May 2014
There's this little place of mine
So mysterious
Would you like to go with me?
The entrance is in any body of water
You must do it on a sunny day
Once inside, you must rotate upside down
Open your eyes and relax
Stare into the sun
Everything will fall
Like a dream
Well it is one
Only it's real
In a blink of an eye
You will be transported
To a wonderful place
Colors are of magnificent contrast
The land are hovering isles
Here you feel like you are floating
Like in water only better
Fire and water shoots up in the sky and explodes
Like a massive firework
Fruit here is just simply amazing
Go ahead and try it!
One bite gives your tongue goosebumps
Your brain bursts in exclaim
Do you see why I like this little place
My get away
Better than the real world
Everything you touch makes a glorious sound
Anything you want
It comes real
Go try it!
Make your hair long
Grow wings
Sounds so wonderful doesn't it?
Why don't you try it?
I left out a little step
You have to drown and die
To get there
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