How foolish of me,
my eyes so blind I couldn't see.
Why did I even bother trying,
I'd eventually fail while sighing,
This was all my wrong doing
I hate this feeling.
What was wrong with me
I had no opportunity.
Not even a single chance,
My mind stuck in a trance.
You'd fall for the other
I'm sorry I ever bother.
I'd never forget you,
Even if I'm your number two.
Hold on, I'm the isolated one
Go ahead and enjoy the fun.
I'll sit back and depress
But for your sake, all my feelings will suppress.
Don't worry about me.
My mind has been set free.
I won't give up on you, sadly I gave up on myself.
Just promise me you'll take care of yourself.
just had to get this off my chest but I still love you