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  Oct 2019 kell
i want to delete all the memories
just like i did with all our pictures
i want to forget our history
and act like we're strangers
i don't want to miss you anymore
i want to get over you and close the door
i know you're not missing me
i know this is how it's meant to be
#forget #memories #relationship #missyou #strangers
kell Oct 2019
Forbidden love is to meet this day
to wipe a family's history and pain
A love, hate twisted Hurricane
No war can keep them apart
for they feel there love was crafted as beautiful art
They told there love from there lips
forever sealing there dying wish
to come together as one
love stronger than their families hate
love stronger than the oceans waves
from first sight and to there last
but hush for there families can not know
that adversarys joined
a sword against their neck
the only choice in this love is death
love like that is so powerful..

also im releasing my hidden poems so enjoy
kell Oct 2019
what is it ?
The mere thought of happiness that rushes through our veins,
When we see someone we love, our crush, our family, the sunshine,
If those were to fade away, a part of us would simply shatter, vanish,
Rain clouds would keep away the sunshine in our life the heavy wind would brush through our hair and remind us of such great tragedies,
like a sleeping terror, the chains of fate, the flow of time become;
Meaningless, without what has been blown away like ash by a breeze,
What you must not forget, will never lose, what wont change is...
The past, where your memories, our remarkable actions are living,
Hold them dear, these several rays of sunlight to keep the rain clouds away, to pull yourself together and shine beyond the scene, rise.
Even if you do lose all your strength and your muscles refuse to carry your beautiful soul trapped within the flesh of your very existence,
Even if you fall into an abyss of despair, devoured by regret.
As long as you are alive, you may as well do a change.
As long as you are alive, you can make the present joyous by striving for a better future, for yourself, for what you lost.
Live, for the love of light is for all to bare
be alive when your dead inside
kell Oct 2019
I felt a lot
Not just my own emotions I endured others as well
I was gifted with
empathy, pain.
painful at the least
kell Oct 2019
i told it to leave
its like a second personality
it comes when it wants and leaves when it pleases
i have no control, it just suffocates me
quickens my heart makes it hard to breathe
im so ******* tired of this anxiety
It sends pain in my chest and tears down my face
dont even ask me whats wrong, i wont know what to say
im wore out and hurt
but it dousnt care about me. it dousnt care for anybody
  Sep 2019 kell
when did we become a stranger?
walking pass by but we didn't even
see each other.
when did I become so wanting,
wanting to write about you
when all you do is running?
i love you,
like I always do,
but why can't you?
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