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 May 2015 Erin Holston
AK Bright
She looks in the mirror
At the age on her face
"I wonder what he thinks
of me this way?"

She considers her weight
and the pores on her skin
She thinks out loud
"I don't deserve him."

She picks apart
the woman he loves
Separating her worth
from all that she does
He looks in her eyes
and caresses her face
He sees it glowing with love
and full of grace

 The lines on her face
  he views with pride
  Recounting the victories
  each time they've been tried

The weight that she carries
 is that of a mom
 Nothing's too heavy
 She just marches on

These bodies will perish
 and mirrors offer no truth
True love abides
 beyond the corridors of youth

  No, she doesn't deserve me
  Perhaps God can see
  Conceivably, one day
  I'll be as worthy as she
to the mother of my children. Happy Mother's Day!
 May 2015 Erin Holston
You're a rainy day
You can be warm, you can  be cold
You can flood, you're a storm
You're a beautiful danger
a sight to behold
You can make a mess
I can see the lightning in your eyes
The sparks that electrify the night
You can be deadly,
with your kisses and your stare
You can be a breath of fresh air
You can be calming,
You can be unpredictable
but let me just tell you
you may be a rainy day
but rainy days are my favorite days
Fall asleep under the trees
I raise my voice to sing to thee
Listen to my lonely call
And face the fears that torture all

My tears will help and strengthen you
Until Courage builds up a new tune
And when I die, remember me
I raise my voice to sing to thee
the water grips my reflection

all wobbly head
     quavering legs

a swathe of hillside
     like an avocado slice

trees squashed together
     in a bristly embrace

gluey splodge of cloud
     on a periwinkle sky

shimmer of sunlight
     across the lake

illuminates your face
Written: May 2015.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time, partially inspired by a set of images a friend of mine took while at Dovestone Reservoir, located in the South Pennines area of northern England, close to the Peak District National Park.
NOTE: Many of my older poems will be removed in the coming months.
 May 2015 Erin Holston
They failed to see the value in it.
Another life deemed wasted,
but beauty burst through all the seams.
Everything is sacred.
9 7 8 6 (7)
It ain't easy...

What will those geese do when I see them again?
Will they still look at me as the tiger?
I sang to them.
What do they think I'm Leonard Cohen now,
Just because I sang Like a Bird?
What they should know is I ain't no tiger,
They're gonna have to go farther up the food chain.
I could **** a goose.
I could massacre their whole clan before lunchtime.
And now I just sit in my bedroom as the sun rises behind walls of thick cloud...
And they honk.
Maybe they're bored...
They ought to be calling reinforcements.
I would probably never hurt a goose.
Most likely not.
 May 2015 Erin Holston
 May 2015 Erin Holston
Remember me as a Letter
Carefully written in order to best explain
Everything it is I could not seem to say
               write me easy
               write me deeply
               write me only once.

Remember me as a Love Song
Structurally crafted lyrics filled with melodies
Sweeter than the first time we met
               sing me to your mother
               sing me to your lover
               sing me to your children

Remember me as a Poem
Metaphor coloured emotions
Putting together moments amidst events
That never really happened
But we would swear over and over
That actually did
               colour me purple
               colour me blue
               colour me Red

Remember me in your Nightmares
Think of me on those nights that simply closing your eyes
Causes fear to prickle on your skin
And adrenaline to race through your veins
               close your eyes anyway
               embrace the feeling of helplessness
               let it help you remember

Remember me when you Don't Want To
Promise to think of me in those moments when
Remembering numbs you more than feeling nothing at all
               love me easy
               love me deeply
               love me only once

— The End —