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Erik Luo Dec 2019
I look back at life
At all the moments of hope
All the Moments of faith
All the Moments of love
All the Moments of grit and strength
Though small
But bit by bit
Brought me through hell
and lift me high like a flying angel
A metamorphosis
of the ages

And everything seems clear
All the struggles and hurt
Was to feel the love more strongly
To have the strength to love
without fear
or limitation

I hug myself tight
And feel the warmth
I love, I am
It whispered without doubts
Though the body is cold
The warmth of love is so full
Completing my own prophecy
of a life worth living

I give away death
and I give away pain
I give away the struggle and the ache
I give away all of my beings
Purge my entire existence
into infinite love
And happy

For existing
For being
For loving
For trying

I love, I am
What else is there to say
Just love
Just be
Erik Luo Dec 2019
Maybe I will see you
from the other side of the door
Maybe I will know you
by the edge of the shore
Maybe we'll meet
In the sky among the stars
Maybe we'll just be
a flower in the sod

And when my hair
on my skin

And when the wind lightly
on my face

I see the sky with
and red

and the fire
on my eyes

and I sing
and feel
my beings

and others are whispering

and I feel
your love
on earth

and I know
my life
is complete

and I see
you standing
by the fire

with the light
blowing on your face

and your rope
that cross
in the yellow
and the gold

in the fire
with warmth

and you flow
with the wind

as life
you by

and when time
gets you down
you go up

and you smile
and your beauty
your grace

took me away

into a
of unknown

and a song
I embrace

and I dance
moving my head

my hair flowing
and free

and I feel
your presents
under the stars and the moon

I know you are
I know who you are

and this moment
of time
will never

eternally present
forever and ever

and as we grow up
and grow old
and die

we will look back
and see the fire and the sky

and when we
the song
of life and love

forever and ever
a breath

then we will dance
in that
divine void

forever and ever
we are all

and when I
my love
for you

I know

I know

I know

and when I
your love
for me

I know

I know

I know

I am
with you

forever and ever
without tears

and as the stars align
as the universe stays

we'll both be
in each other's

much to one

you see
the fire
that we're in

the beauty
and grace
of this life

and when you feel
the wet
down your face

as I know
your love
in my heart

and maybe it will rain
and maybe it will snow
and maybe the sun will
never comeback

and maybe we'll die
and maybe the sky
will become so
so real...real-

as love
and you
and me
and all


our reality
in god!

is infinite love
is just you
and me
and all the

and we dance
and we cry
we laugh
and we fight
through the eternal

and perhaps
you can look me in the eyes
and tell me the words
that you are here
to say

so that
I can
I am

so I can
of your love

and in that

we sing
of this song

of us
of life
of death

and when
we say
the words
the truth

we say
we say
we say
we say

we sing
we sing

this song
of life
and we know
that we are
just one

and we know
we are
we love
and live

we die
we cry
we sing

this song of life
Erik Luo Dec 2019
The world
is like a lover
It brings you gifts
Like the darkness and the shore

With playful teasing
it brings you pain and suffering,
and make you aching with joy
when you are alonely and depressed

Yet it loves like the moon
and the sky
Shining bright but not blind
The sun on the other hand
Is also the world
Giving the warmth and colors
For the birds and the flowers

So when the gun fired through the dark
And the rain falls on the shore
It was the world that loved and cried
to the core

Oh lover
you make me see
the path of death
so clear and bright
Oh lover
You make me weep
For the love of life
in its grace and beauty

And when you love me
I died on the hills
And then I feel
your hugs and kisses
wrapping all around
Until my body is gone
and the blood is drawn

I hear you sing
With every pain and pleasure
Words of silence
Songs of love
Erik Luo Dec 2019
You and I
are like the wind and the waves
One pushes, one flows
Creating ripples
That bend the light
Into the cycle that called life

Sometimes gentle
Sometimes harsh
Sometimes with leaves
Sinking under the surface

In a lake
or a river
or the sea
we danced and loved
through lows and highs

You are invisible
but you make me wave with love
Until I flip under and over
Nowhere to hide

We create and destroy
We hug, and we fight
In every second
United and separated at once

So perhaps is alright
For without you I can’t survive
As when the wind stops
The wave too dies
Erik Luo Dec 2019
When the moonlight take your breath away
And the tree leaves shade your light
I whispered into your eyes
With nothing but me inside

When I lay on your lap
And I see the sky
Limitless and edgeless
Existing in time

And when you shine on me
As if my being expands
I sit in silence
And smile without try

So as I die
My self dies
All to merge
with you to one

As I sleep in you
And you sing that song
I begin to dance
With all of my joy

All of your trials and success
All of your hopes and dreams
All there for me
As I become void

There is nothing to say
Only being you
And live to die
Erik Luo Dec 2019
When the night falls through the sky
And the sea waves through the land
I stood before the light
And saw a darkness inside

When time comes to mind
Colors and senses return
I look down the path of darkness
And walked down, with light inside

Soon I realized
That I was not walking
And the darkness, is the light
With me inside
walking out...

A duality of eternity
With music and dance
All the points of reality
that forged this existence
are beings like you and I

Perhaps we can look at the moon
and drink some wine
The game that we play
are all but one

Let me see you in the mountains
and hear you flying in the sky
The life of us is ending soon
in about eternity time

And when we crumble into that dark night
Knowing all is love inside
Whole and perfect in every way
Living this mortal life
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I look at the fire
As if frozen in time
The dancing flames
The purple sky

They whispered in the dark
words of love and care
I feel their being inside of me
dancing and moving with the song
So is the fire there
dancing without fear
It knows no heat
and feels no pain

I stared into the light
and let the fire fill my being
With the infinite others
In this moment
for eternity

And maybe my heart is full of love
Or maybe the view is just too true
That my smiles and laughter
Echoed through the stars

This is it
This is enough
This is life
This is us

As my mind fades
My soul merged
I have nothing to say
But being love
As a fire
dancing under the purple sky
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