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 Apr 2017 Emma Whittle
Meg B
You're a cigarette and I
can't find a patch.
You taste foul in my mouth,
my tongue is dried out and my
words taste like tar as your
name rattles out;
I feel sickly satisfied as I realize
I have nothing else to scratch my itch.

You are
You have always been
a bad habit.

I quit.
We girls are idiots. Attention is our drug;
You could be killing us slowly and we will accept to die
As soon as you leave.
She shouldn't be crying tears because she's mistreated
Or she's been lied to
Or cheated on
She should be in tears of pleasure because you know how to make her satisfied
 Apr 2017 Emma Whittle
Step right up and buy some dreams
He's got tattooed arms and he'll propose to you with cubic zirconia rings, promises of hearts warmed and shiny things
Beware of what the future brings, he'll spread your broken wings and let you fall
Right into a pit of tar and feathers
You'll think you belong together
But he's a trainwreck clad in ink and leather
And he'll sever the tethers and let you go it alone, ignore your pleas for affection but his spell is like an infection- it won't go away unless treated with equal aggression
What's his motive? Why break all these hearts, why ***** out girls like spent candles
I don't think he even knows how to handle himself
But one things for sure- this boy sells dreams, don't you buy them.
I still want him back
A bleak sky halting the high.
Droplets bounce and illuminate minds.
Slipping south surrounded by sighs.
The trees give up, watch on, and die.
Monotoned musings falter at times.
The Earth looks on with a cheshire smile.
Suffocating in air as the world goes by.
Then look up and ask...why?
 Apr 2017 Emma Whittle
I’ve chosen to walk
A lonely road
Where ravens squawk
As time erodes
Where the devil talks
Through whispered codes

I walk along
A dark wooded path
Where the nights are long
And I face Satan's wraith
Everything feels wrong
There's no turning back

The more I wander
The more I stray
More time to squander
The days away
So much time to ponder
The end of days

Darkness is falling
The Earth is dying
The Devil's calling
The news is lying
It's all so appalling
There's no denying

This path I roam
Is filled with sorrows
Nowhere feels home
Too many tomorrows
Too Many poems
Spreading my woes

The Devil follows
He tempts my soul
But my soul is hollow
So still I stroll
This pain I swallow
And it takes its toll

I can not save
This doomed planet
We've dug our grave
Satan's enchantment
Has made us slaves
Bloodshed is rampant

And when we crumble
I'll shed no tears
The devil mumbles
In our ears
So we stumble
Year after year
As the end draws near
People cover up wounds with bandages,
whether it's the littlest paper cut,
or the largest **** all the way to the bone.
They are always covered with bandages,
hidden for no one else to see.

That's what's happening to society
We're all hurting,
whether it's the littlest paper cut in the heart,
to the largest **** all the way to the bone.
But we are forced to cover it up with a smile,
so no one will see we are dying.
You don't realize how people are hurting inside,
all you see is the smile.
And sooner or later,
you will look in her casket and say
"I always remembered her beautiful smile,
I never knew she was hurting inside".
 Apr 2017 Emma Whittle
 Apr 2017 Emma Whittle
everytime i touch
a cigarette ****
to my dry lips
all i can feel
is the softness of your kiss

everytime i empty
my scattered mind
i hear your voice
soothing everytime

i can feel
your gaze
i can seal
your kiss

but i cannot

i like to
to myself


i'm lost in the pages
in which
i mapped
each spot
of your

i'm lost in the drawings
that i sketched
of your

        and might i
        just add
        how cursed
        and wretched of a
thing it is
        to be lost
        in something
        that will forever
        remain a*
I don't need to purchase a calendar annually
To know that you're my favorite day every day of the year
Twenty four hours, three hundred and sixty five days
Is not enough my dear
Music I will always hear
No instruments needed
All these musings might make you conceited
It'd be well deserved
Your voice is a language I don't have to learn, but i want to
And your doubt is what i yearn
To dismantle
I'll be  gentle
When your soul is mine to help handle
Forget all the other distractions
I want to solve all your fractions
Fix all the contraptions
Woven into you
Thirteen star signs and you shine brighter than every one of them combined.
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