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Emm Mar 2016
tell me tales of love
not of lust
not of passionate embraces
but of foolish deeds
tell me tales of love
which warms the soul
of selfless endavours
engraved with honesty
tell me tales of love
entwined souls
masked with grandiose
inebriated minds
a time-old tale
only time will tell
only time will witness
do, ... tell me tales of love
Emm Feb 2016
He's embarrassed
His ears are always flustered when he is so

He laughed
Reminded me of the time passed
Yet he looked happier today
I can't be happier

Shouldn't bother
Yet memories linger
Although hopes fade
And expectations are forgotten
Care chose to stay

I shouldn't bother
Emm Feb 2016
What's so great about emotion is it's passing notion
Gone without a trace
Leaving only slight traces of distant familiarity...
Wonders how something that insignificant can drive such force
--off and away from conciousness...
--or the lack thereof...
On the spur of a moment, in a blink of a passing thought...
Going away...
Like the waves of the ocean... leaving traces behind ... on the forever changing grains of sand...
Emm Nov 2015
my juvenile being,
your calming presence
not to be attached to you the whole time,
worry not, ...
as I'm perfectly fine in finding my own hapiness
but when we're together
you balance me out...
you're the ground under my seesaw
you bounce me back,
yet you'll always catch me when I fall

no words can seem to express my gratitude...
but if you will,...
please do take these sentiments...
if you may,...
just to acknowledge them,
as please don't resent them...
as i don't need any reprocications
as what we are now is all I need
Emm Oct 2015
Blanket me, o night,
Cover me with your soothing cool breeze,
Embrace me with your serene darkness

When all the world is at its quietest,
Take all my worries and replace them with dreams
Cradle me with your tranquility
Let me float in nothingness until the golden sun gentle touch

Blanket me, o night,
You who understands me most
We who understand each other in quietude
Emm Oct 2015
I met Glee through her presence,
I miss her when she's not around
'Am I deluded? You are my drug, Hope, I think I love you, addicted to you,...'
Little did I know of her ulterior motives,
of her two faces which I should knew about,
of her flightiness and fragility,
She left me, stranded, over and over again,
lost in confusion and deep down in this dark pit,
I don't think I can crawl back without her,
but I don't know where to find her,
nor do I think I want to believe her anymore,
hanging all my lifelines on her...
She's not... capable... of sustaining me...
There she goes again,
like wisps of smoke,
and I fell even harder and deeper as she keeps pushing me to Reality, the guy I'm running away from
should I befriend him? should I accept him?
I want to believe in you, Hope, I really do...
please let me,
even though I know I should still be the one doing all the work...
Emm Oct 2015
I dreamed of you,
you and your glorious spirit,
infectious and dangerous

I dreamed of you who is not mine,
of our times archived,
distant as if long lost and forgotten

I dreamed of you and our strong ties,
as if we're still together,
and times are easy

I dreamed of you and I long for you
as much as dreams don't make sense
feelings are true yet they deceive often
Wishes are only wishes,
I know

Not today,
for these 24 hours I will wallow in my memories of you,
of our odd encounters
basking in my sentiments,
before you leave again
just like I did before
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