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  Apr 2014 Emma
Erin Hankemeier
The pain hurts,  
But it feels good as well,
I want to be be accepted
Even if I have to walk through hell

I am not "Cool"
I am not "Skinny"
I am 93 pounds
Hoping I will soon be "Mini"

Yesterday I did not eat,
I will not eat today,
I will not eat tomorrow
Or even the next day

I want to be skinny,
I want to be cool
I exercise everyday
and swim in the pool

I know this is not healthy,
I know I could die
But being accepted is all I want
I want that gap between my thigh

My friend tells me
"Have a slice of pie".
I have never told her
Of my new life.

Doctor told me today,
That I will die
He gave me three weeks
So I guess this is good-bye

Do not hurt yourself,
Please do not make the same mistake
It is not worth the pain
It is  not worth the heartache

I wanted to be accepted
I was mislead
Society is wrong
Now I am dead

There is not turning back
There is no second chance
I want to feel the sun again,
And learn how to dance

I was anorexic
I made a wrong choice
So promise me one thing:
Tell my story, be the heard voice
This is a poem about an anorexic teenager. In the beginning, she describes how she will do anything to be accepted into society. Then, she stated that she hasn't eaten in a long time, and exercises aggressively everyday. She knows the dangers, but she is willing to take the risk. Later, her doctor tells her that she took it too far, and she will die. During the end, she describes how after she died, she realizes and has made a mistake and society mislead her to killing herself. She requests to the readers that they should tell her story to prevent others from making the same mistake she did.
  Apr 2014 Emma
If only my broken heart
could remember
to forget you
  Apr 2014 Emma
mark john junor
in that golden light
in that rose glasses moment
it really is all there is
it really is all you'll ever need

she was there too
familiar to the song
and comfortable to the dance
lace and silver jewels
pretty perfumes and mysterious candles flickering
she was no stranger to this little world
where the magic is all that matters
and that can only be from the heart

watch her dance now
see her freedom in her open heart
and the love she gives to all
watch her captivate
see how she looks to the rising sun
with a longing that the night
deep and magical never end
its thunder is effortless desires
its depth are songs that the heart holds dear
never let it end
just one more dance
one more time in her arms
spinning like stars on the edge of night

i still see her there
magic in her eyes
tender in her touch
she was with me
she was with me
that night
that moment
Emma Apr 2014
use to
comment on how
cold my hands always
were, back when you had
them to hold. I guess when
your heart is of ice, it tends
to somehow show Even in the
small ways, like the heart-to-hand
ice flow.
Forever missing him.
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