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  May 2016 Ellie Sora
Michael L
In spring ...
Bright, strong and straight
Filled with moisture
Prominent veins on your skin
Strong winds blow, you flutter
Producing a dance show
At night you are quiet
No eyes to see

In summer ...
Color slightly faded
Wilted from the heat
Crying out for rain
Trying to hold on
Nights are warm
Stars pierce the night
Illuminate your shape

In autumn ...
Color transformed
To red and orange
Parched skin a translucent fabric
Death is near
Edges curling

In winter ...*
You are invisible
  May 2016 Ellie Sora
Michael L
A young boy embraces life, fearless!
He knows NOT the pain that's coming.
He lives, for now, in his cocoon


Years go by, protection is lifted.
The world seeps through the cracks
introducing fear and self-doubt.

His once free-spirit, wanes!
He waits for loving words,


What does come, often with intensity,
Are words and actions validating humanity's darkness.
Pressing into him, bringing crushing pain.
Stabbing his heart, his tender heart!

Slowly, without realizing,
he retreats from this world.
Loneliness becomes his


A cruel playmate for sure.

Now as a grown man,
He finds himself shy, tentative.
Lessons revealed and learned.

You pass him on the street,
None of his tenderness appears,
His heart tucked away,


He fears exposing even one more time,
The part of him that's most vulnerable.
His tender heart.

Better to just leave it hidden ...
  May 2016 Ellie Sora
Madeline Rook
Don’t read the comments my dear
They will tear your beautiful opinions down
Out of fear
Fear that you are smarter than them
That your liberal position conflicts their conservative view
The dominant view is changing
And they’re going to take it out on you
Don’t read the comments my dear
They will tear you down
Say you are wrong
That your opinions don’t belong
And if you read them long enough you’ll believe the comments
Don’t read the comments my dear
They do not deserve to tear down all your hard work
For a petty fight
Fought because they are losing their own
Against themselves
Stand for something
Don’t read what the comments say
Don’t fall for them because you are entitled to what you believe
Your opinions belong and they matter
Debate what you believe to be right
Don’t read the comments my dear
But don’t fear being wrong
Because as perfect as we think we are
We are not
We are all flawed and sometimes we are wrong
But don’t let the comments discourage you
Admit you are wrong and move on
Learn and live
Stand for something and don’t fall for anything
Don’t read the comments my dear
But don’t fear being wrong
  May 2016 Ellie Sora
Madeline Rook
Nobody’s home
Your loud desperate knocks fall silent on empty hallways
Echoing off the closed up doors and windows
Nobody’s home
You try again
One knock, two knocks, three
Growing more desperate as you try to see if someone’s home
But everything falls silent
The echoes dyeing within seconds
No footsteps coming to greet you at the door
Nobody’s home
Your attempts fall flat as they reach the battered up hallway
But the sound doesn’t reach much further
The dog doesn’t bark
The cat doesn’t dare make a single step
Nobody’s home
Now the knocks become louder and louder
More desperate as you try to hear something more than unanswered echoes
Louder and louder
Drawing the snooping neighbours in
Peeping over their tall fences trying to see if you’ll be let in
Starting whispered discussions wondering why you are there
Are you there to collect money?
A cup of sugar or something more?
Their conversations staying quiet
Their ears stay open seeing if they can hear one more desperate knock
Money passed around the fences
Betting on what you came for
Coming to collect a long lost child?
Or just saying hello?
None of these neighbours will ever know
But their ears stay open
Their mouths begin to close as they hear one last desperate knock
A knock that yet again falls silent on empty hallways
Echoes bringing back the sounds of what was
And what will never be
A knock that brings back years of memories
You’ve heard this before
And yet here you are standing at her door waiting to hear it once more
One last knock for the crazy desperate man
Now he knows that nobody is home
There won’t be footsteps there to answer him
The dog won’t bark
The car won’t awake to see what’s happening
But he knocks again
Bringing back the wave of memories
Trying once more to smell the sweet smell of her
Cookies on a cold day
The smell of a sprinkler on full blast on the hot ones
The touch of her
Her face
Her face that not for one day has left his memory
Every day he remembers her
Remembering what once was
And what will never be
And he does that happily
For he knows now that his desperate knocks will only echo back silence
Bouncing on walls and doors that should be his
Polished door handles
Immaculate house
That fluffy dog to greet him when he comes home
The neighbours begin to leave
There’s nothing much more to see here
Something much more interesting must be happening on TV
Money is handed back and conversation falls quiet
Doors slamming, windows banging, kids shouting
Sounds that used to be so familiar are now distant memories
The man takes in one last breath
A soft knock
A quiet knock
So he can know that he did not leave without a fight
He turns and spins and decides to leave
Nobody’s home
That what he thought
Until he saw a car pull in
A car that just may let him in
  May 2016 Ellie Sora
Madeline Rook
When I realised he wasn’t come back my world changed
Everything stopped
Nothing made sense anymore
My phone remained silent for days

When I realised he wasn’t coming back nothing made sense
Everything was him
Nothing was as good as him
No one could compare to him

When I realised he wasn’t coming back I stopped
I stopped caring
I stopped focusing
I just wanted him to say hey one more time

When I realised he wasn’t coming back I craved him
I craved his touch
I craved his kisses
I craved him

When I realised he wasn’t coming back I cried
Cried because he mattered to me
Cried because no one else had mattered like that before
Cried because I’d never felt heartbreak before

When I realised he wasn’t coming back I stayed who I was
I stayed true to my beliefs
That I do not need a man to make me who I am
Put his memory to the side of my mind

When I realised he wasn’t coming back I relaxed
I knew now that I only had to worry about but me
I lived for me and no one else
I was free

When I realised he wasn’t coming back I missed him
Maybe he’s gone now
Maybe he won’t come back
But I miss our memories

When I realised he wasn’t coming back I wrote
Wrote poetry and stories
Maybe he’s gone now
But **** he makes for good material
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