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 Oct 2015 Elizabeth P
Here’s to the girls that straighten their hair and hide behind the colored faces.
Here’s to the girls who dress to impress, but never get a look or a glare.
Here’s to the girls that cry at night and smile in the morning.
Here’s to the girls that skip dinner just so their jeans can fit.
Here’s to the girls whose wrist are covered in bracelets to hide the shame.
Here’s to the girls that sit in the corner and never say a word.
Here’s to the girls that rock to music they can relate to.
Here’s to the girls who are never understood.
Here’s to the girls that drug their selves away.
Here’s to the girls that sit on their backs and ask why.
Here’s to the girls who have nobody to wrap their arms around when times are rough.
Here’s to the girls that swear things will be okay.
Here’s to the girls that don’t believe in promises.
Here’s to the girls who tired, but couldn’t be here to read this.
 Oct 2015 Elizabeth P
It's ok if it didn't make it to homecoming, the middle of school year, the stretch of Valentine’s Day.
  It's ok if it has paused, stopped, ended, there will be light. Think good rather than bad.
    Its ok, school will be awkward, moods will swing, love will fade, feelings will drown, it happened all before.
  It's ok if you said things that were too soon, know to not happen, your pride will still go on.
  It's ok if things will never be the same, atmosphere will feel weird, silence will appear, and pain will intrude. It's all the steps of healing.
  Will same feelings come back? Will things be in tip top shape? Can you handle seeing what was yours into someone else's hands? Or will it be too much.
  Stay close or stay apart. Try to hold on and not break but it's good to let it out. Shake it off and let it out.
    All memories will be no use, no meaning, it's all in the past. Once things stop.... There's no continue.
    It's all in the beginning again, like stopping a movie and rewinding it to the beginning. When will it play through?
    Will there be one more chance or no? It's your choice. It's hard to move on, like quick sand has gotten your feet. It's like level 1 all over again.
    You were getting so far like a winning race. Maybe it wasn't just meant to be won. It's up to you to choose.
  We're talking about all school year, the whole. Will it be easy or will it just hurt?
    It's ok to cry a river. But will it be ok to listen to the tracks that played behind the memories?
    You’re supposed to be ok but everyone breaks down once in a while.
    It won't be the same; no one will ever cover the spot that once filled happiness.
    You ask, you regret, you wonder, you beat, you cry, you think, you drift, things will happen but you don't wanna face it.
    Is it ok that you have things that cherish the past? Is it ok that it hurts, you want to die? Do you over exaggerate? Well, I don’t know.
      "It's ok" they say, "you'll move on" they say. This is the 2nd time and will there ever be a third?
      2 months, one year, how many days? That's all it was. It will never come back!
      You blew it, is that ok? You wanna punch the walls, tear your hair out, scream n shout, you wanna stay mad, is that ok? Will that solve the pain you’re having?
      It's ok if they don't care, you care. If they loved you they would have never let you go in the first place. Same as before.
      Is death an option? We hope so. We will be put to peace.
      It's ok to forget, worry about yourself, focus on you, friends, and family, and drop this pain and misery.
      It's ok to gradually move on but not forget the past. It's ok to still live life and sort of be happy.
      You’re in the single basket n it hurts, but you'll be out. Hope.
Is it ok to get up and leave or stay and try?
Is it ok to hurt you like you did me or just drop it?
    It’s ok to miss you, its ok to hate you too.
        God!! U doesn’t know how much I miss you. Seeing u in the halls it's just not the same.
It’s ok to let the memories sit in the back of your mind. It’s ok to see thing awkward now.
        You look at me rude and treat me with meanness, is that ok?
Yet you treat “them” nice, is that ok too?
It’s ok if you date others, just letting you know they’re not the same.
Is it ok to show this to the world, let them know you who you really are?
    It’s ok if you’re confused and not ready to love, you’ll learn it later.
    It’s ok if you’re not mature enough, its ok if you choose dudes over lover.
I hope its ok to date and see him in the eyes of your spouse. I hope its ok to think it’s him just to please you.
Is it safe to date again or it’s not ok to leave yet?
It’s ok to shed a tear and not be embarrassed. If he’s not sobbing it’s not worth it.
These China plates remind me of you
So i'm a little more cautious than normal
Because i don't want to break them
And i never want to destroy what should of never been broken
I only amend the fallen parts
And make them new
My body trembles
At the thought of you making a rash decision out of desperation
You've been throwing those words around and i get extra nervous
Because this isn't something i take lightly
It seems like i'm the only one in this imaginary small town that lends a hand
While everyone glares at us like they have a right to treat us like dirt
I want to save your life, regardless of how many people turn their back on you
I see backs all the time
People love walking away when it gets hard
I just keep going- it's what must be done
These China Plates get prettier by the year
I think it's the same for your soul
It just looks rusty because you've taken quit a few tolls
That also want extra fees
And i'm here to tell them that you already paid
Because you don't deserve any more wounds
Don't worry about me
You're the focus
The art on the China Plate
That gets unnoticed
Way too often.
But i'm the Man that takes interest in the non-perfect
And seeks to make it new again
The Misfits just lost their way
And i'm here to point the way.
not a star
in the sky
nor one dappled
dew drop
through which glory
of sun
nor God
shone ~

not a canary
in full song
nor polished gem
nor finely
crafted gold
nor Da Vinci muse

nor any man-made
wonder of
this world
or God-made
of the next

could take my eye
the way
your countenance
has claimed
my sight ~

and none
make me
my blindness
the way
you do.
Just scribbling
Yea Peekaboo
Me you see how I electrocute
I mean shock you
I mean magnetically I accume
Energy That blooms
Positively im charged like electrons
Off negatively the neutrons
Enough power inside this timed bomb
You cant disarm
You lookin at a powerbomb
My light shall dawn
Even when they cloud Vashawn
Thats how darkness Responds
Dnt wanna see the light
Wait till Pikachu Strike
Evolve to Raichu
I'll enlighten you
Drinkin on some powerjuice
Goin see some lighting shoot
Thats the storm i'm bout to produce
For the storms ive been through
 Apr 2015 Elizabeth P
Do you know that feeling...when you fall in love?
When you start falling and you know you'll never get up.
When you give your happiness to someone,because you care for him more than you care for yourself.
Because you love him,more than you love yourself.
Do you know that feeling...when you fall in love?
When the touch of someones hands takes you to another dimension.
When you see another world in someones eyes,a world you always dreamed of.
Do you know that person...that makes you fall in love?
The same person who erases all your fears,making you feel safer than ever.
The same person who is the reason you cope with everything.
The reason to get up,live,and fight.
Do you know that feeling...when your heart breaks?
When that same person becomes stranger.
When the love dissapears like it never excisted.
When you become one big nothing to him.
But he is one everything to you.
He is and he will always be.
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