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We made it through
The test of spring
And let love bring
It's own flowers
To our table
A promise is a promise.
Only a lie can be made
with an expiration date in mind.

You and I
are the sand and sea,
we will always keep coming
back to one other.

You and I
are the trees of eternal spring,
we shall never leave.

Not every day is remembered
as special or significant,
not every word spoken between us
is Hallmark worthy.
But love is never absent
and what is shared
never forgotten.

Alone we are
merely ordinary,
together we are considerable,
whether it’s sharing ice cream
or each other’s
aches and pains.

The road we traverse,
may be covered with obstacles & illusions,
but the horizon
is hardly false.

For look!
God himself smiles upon us.
These vows are indeed
of an endless variety...
A lone kingfisher
Meditates on lotus bud
Fish in the pond springs

Tigress walks her cubs
Ferocious, in her ways
Grooms with love, to prey

A stag in the woods
Flies with swiftness of the wind
Sacred its antlers
Inspired by photos shared by a friend!
Thanks for reading. :)
My mirror
Is driving me up the wall

It's sick and tired
Of it always being about me
for the evening she wore rogue

the color of forever

which he casually kissed off

as if of no consequence

what she now wears

is moment to moment

and belongs to the morning

where her blush must be earned

daddy always told her

she was worth nothing less
If it melts faster
than ice cream on
a summer afternoon
it isn't love

If it sticks to
the roof of your mouth
like peanut butter
it isn't infatuation
No matter how
high we fly,
at some point, it seems,
you and I
must return to the ground.
But weep not,
upon love's reentry
what didn't burn off
in the atmosphere
is ours to keep.
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