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 Jan 2018 ekta
Surbhi Dadhich
My rusting cries reached a deserted destination
Far infinite in the infinite universe
Neither assurity nor dimensions
Rusting cries tore into hell curse
Glorious stars were ashamed of disgrace
The moon bore the fire of hate
Sensitive planets turned insane
Rusting cries cried and turned pale
Reflected and are now again flowing in my veins.
 Jan 2018 ekta
Star BG
With its howling winds
and crystline particles,
the winters day unfolds.

It bombards ears,
taunting eyes to take peek.
Its power paints picture
Inside hazy sky landscape.

I stand whispering gratitude
for being observations
behind sheltered walls

With breath my camera I grab
capturing its torrential power.
Its blessing in disguise
that gives hug to land.

And when wind dies
there will be
a rare death celebrated
to be had.
Had to birth
a snowman masterpiece.
I wish this side had  A place to air photography I took some amazing photographs. I suggest we don't need a wall to hello poetry site so that
that feature can be added.
 Jan 2018 ekta
Lost love
She didn’t know where she was heading
She didn’t know where the path she has taken was leading
She was going to keep going as long as she was still breathing

Was she lost?
Maybe she was, but if she kept going what was she
Going to lose?
And what if she stopped?

She had hopes of making it big
Was it her fate to be big?
Or was this path only leading to a dead end?
What will happen at the end?

Is she lost?
Must she keep going?
Will she make it?
I don’t know
She also doesn’t know
I bet you don’t know either
She’s just a lost child
 Jan 2018 ekta
Thomas P Owens Sr
and there you are
walking into another lost dream
your whispers and gentle smile
touching the memories  
I hold dear

like the dream
our time was brief
you turn and walk away as you did
40 years ago
you wanted more from me
another day
another week
and perhaps I would have realized
that I truly loved you
but we know how cruel time can be
and I let you go

I awaken to your image
fading quickly
and I decide to find you
maybe to ask forgiveness
maybe to beg

but I am too late
and you have left me
only to be found
in my dreams
in my sorrow
We make decisions in our lives that may seem of little importance at the time, only to realize the immensity later. like the song...I let her go... I looked for her again recently, only to find she had passed away in 2009. A punch to the soul that I will never fully recover.
 Jan 2018 ekta
Alyssa Nichole
She being held hostage by her stereotypes

Her dreams being restricted by someone else's expectations.
Her thoughts cropped out of social standers.
Her life living for someone with their dreams,
Running through her veins.
Her mind lost in good times,
When she was her self.

Now she's pretending to be someone,
To let someone know she's fine...

But she being optimistic
Struggles hard to let herself out of this agony.
 Jan 2018 ekta
Sneha Thakur
I remember those days ,
My dear mom would make my braids ,
And i would sleep on my daddy's lap.
They would sing me lullabies ,
As i laid among them.
And we gained perfect lucidity.
I remember all those mood swings ,
The perfect fact about them being ,
Every fellow would still captivate me.
And How could i forget that spark that went through the eyes of mine?
Curious to know about the world.
The antiquity, The sagas.
How i dreamed that it was a prepossessing place.
But , but now that i have known what the world actually exhibits.
I no longer yearn to know anything else.
The past definitely has proved to be a dismay.
I wish that everybody had heart of a child ,
I wish that everyone could be decent without being fake.
That maybe life could be sober again.
Maybe i could be uncanny but free , and no one will judge me.
Maybe i could be a free bird and gaze and the world as i fly.
Maybe there should be no bars of restrictions.
That i could be passionate and inquisitive forever.
Oh! I so wish to be a child again. And live forever the life of a child.❤
 Jan 2018 ekta
 Jan 2018 ekta
a seed
goes inside
come out with makeup
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