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 May 2015 Devin Eggins
C H Watson
Yellow-haired shinobi
    Hokage of our hearts
Teach us all of bravery
    With your deadly ninja arts!

How sharper than a kunai
    And mightiest by far
Uzumaki Naruto
    Konoha's brightest star!

When you're starving for some ramen
    And your chakra needs a fill
Have a bowl with Naruto-chan
    Jiraiya's got the bill!

And when old Madara's cracking wise
    And Susano'o fills the darkened skies
Remember where your true strength lies!
    With good friends like Naruto!

© Copyright 2014 C. H. Watson. All rights reserved.
A boy with no parents bought up hated and alone,
wanted attention and was always on his own.
a Beast inside made the villagers afraid,
for this reason.. they all displayed,
an attitude of hate,
which they made bait.
lonely and behind,
was also kind.
Year's went passed,
time really went fast,
a team of 3,
he was happy.
He vowed one day,
he'd be the village hokage.
He Trained and trained,
felt drained and pained.
Still need to finish this xD
 May 2015 Devin Eggins
A Watoot
I choose to remain calm in life
I choose to pacify my anger and hatred
I learned a lot by listening
and destroying hatred with love.

We must understand that
The said nexus is real.
Without war, there won't be peace,
Without hate, there won't be love,
Without death, there won't be life.
Because this is reality.

I can turn the tables if I must.
I can consume you with fire if I want.
I can destroy you- leaving your heart in tiny fragments
Like shrapnel stuck in the undwelled parts of your body.

But reality's deeper than these.
Reality's deeper than me.
Reality is all within us.
Accept it as it is.
Never fight with the nexus.
Hold on to it, but do **destroy the hatred inside you.
My first ever Naruto inspired poem :) teeeheee

— The End —