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I saw her sitting on a bar chair
Tall ebony skinned and dark hair
I couldn't take off my gaze on her
I watch her lips as she sip through the glass
Her skin shining and glowing like a black diamond
I couldn't think of anything else but her
Deep inside me I know I fell for her
I haven't seen her before, but it seems as if I have known her all my life

Never knew she was also taking a gaze at me not until our eyes meet each other
I never wanted her to notice I was into her, but I felt she knew already cos she gave me a welcome smile
I was overwhelm by her smile, I started having stupid thoughts about her
Maybe she is also into me
Maybe she fell for me as I did
Maybe the feelings  is mutual

I left my seat to hers
Never. Said a word
She said to me take me home
Its a **** cold night
Take me by the hands
Take me somewhere new
Yes I don't know u
But am with u
I feel I knew u from far
I felt so excited cos am actually right about the smile she gave me
We felt same for each other for the first time
We felt we have known each other for a life time
We felt same thing
Same day
Same time
Same moment
We felt love at first sight

Love at first sight is for real
Cos we human love our mums at first at sight at birth
 May 2015 Deity
Tex Dermott
Pink bubbles
Flow from the bathtub
All sizes
Yet the same
Soaring like mighty eagles
Then they just go POP!
 May 2015 Deity
 May 2015 Deity
Remember me as a Letter
Carefully written in order to best explain
Everything it is I could not seem to say
               write me easy
               write me deeply
               write me only once.

Remember me as a Love Song
Structurally crafted lyrics filled with melodies
Sweeter than the first time we met
               sing me to your mother
               sing me to your lover
               sing me to your children

Remember me as a Poem
Metaphor coloured emotions
Putting together moments amidst events
That never really happened
But we would swear over and over
That actually did
               colour me purple
               colour me blue
               colour me Red

Remember me in your Nightmares
Think of me on those nights that simply closing your eyes
Causes fear to prickle on your skin
And adrenaline to race through your veins
               close your eyes anyway
               embrace the feeling of helplessness
               let it help you remember

Remember me when you Don't Want To
Promise to think of me in those moments when
Remembering numbs you more than feeling nothing at all
               love me easy
               love me deeply
               love me only once
 Aug 2014 Deity
Keaton Rutz
 Aug 2014 Deity
Keaton Rutz
The idea
that there is a time
                                             for violence, or guns;       that there ever is a need
to slaughter peaceful, innocent bystanders
in the name of an officer who willfully, and wrongfully
ended a young man's life for no other reason than he can is
u      n      e      q      u      i      v      o      c      a      l      l      y
f              u              c              k              e              d              .
Inspired by the events of August 9th, 2014 in Ferguson, MO.
 Feb 2014 Deity
Danielle Bluejay
My parents always gave me enough rope
To hang myself
And that alone kept me
From crafting a noose
But you
Gave me enough rope to hang
The both of us
And that, my dear
Is all the more enticing
 Feb 2014 Deity
Pablo Neruda
When I cannot look at your face
I look at your feet.
Your feet of arched bone,
your hard little feet.
I know that they support you,
and that your sweet weight
rises upon them.
Your waist and your *******,
the doubled purple
of your *******,
the sockets of your eyes
that have just flown away,
your wide fruit mouth,
your red tresses,
my little tower.
But I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me.
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