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All armies are the same
Publicity is fame
Artillery makes the same old noise
Valor is an attribute of boys
Old soldiers all have tired eyes
All soldiers hear the same old lies
Dead bodies always have drawn flies
"                        "
      !            :                  ,                .
              ,            ,            ,                .
      ,              ;                              !
 Jun 2015 David Leger
Adam Mott
You are the early 2000s playlist in my memories
A poster ******* and faded, advertising a white face
Pictures of the past I struggled to survive
The words which I spewed on a dime

I still dream of the things I want to say
I want to be your good time
But also your whole life
You see, this is the dilemma in my own weird way
But I don't want to fall back and die
Or live beside the ocean
Because that would be the same as all my other days

The Dying need but little, Dear,
A Glass of Water’s all,
A Flower’s unobtrusive Face
To punctuate the Wall,

A Fan, perhaps, a Friend’s Regret
And Certainty that one
No color in the Rainbow
Perceive, when you are gone.

The Heart asks Pleasure—first—
And then—Excuse from Pain—
And then—those little Anodyness
That deaden suffering—

And then—to go to sleep—
And then—if it should be
The will of its Inquisitor
The privilege to die—
 Apr 2015 David Leger
Ash Saveman
I am nothing now
I have worn my battle scars
My trunk is chared from years of burns
There are scars through and through
Covering the vastness of my wood
Aged and withered
Struggling to survive
New leaves bud out
A sign of hope
But I'm blackened to my roots
Once natural and whole
Now striving for social perfection
I have lost it all
The children can no longer play in my beaches
They are too frail
No longer do artists sit under me and draw
For I am a failour, too ugly to be seen
I am worthy of nothing but to be burnt
school assignment to write yourself as a tree. I lost the one I wrote so this is what I threw together at lunch just now
I've spent my life in the river's ebb and flow
Some days spent fighting the current, others just floating along
But now my river has no current, and I no fight
I'm stuck in a lake now, with only my hope
Most days I hope I don't drown, others I wish I already had
just keep swimming
 Apr 2015 David Leger
Adam Mott
I'm angry
A red hot fire
Burning down the world
Holes and mountains

Why would you believe what I tell you
The color is red
You have a lock on my head
It's not appropriate
You tell me that I am an idiot

Stop an dmock
Spin and lock
That is why they liked you
Yet you can't talk

A long year endures you times four
The times I plead endurance leaves me bored
I am at a cross road under a thousand eyes
Though such words are lost on you
Find solace in solitude,
There is no shame in that.
We are unknown to ourselves
An ocean to which we delve.
Scarcely coming up for air,
Entangled in fathoms
Whirlpools of despair.
Waves of introspection
Spare us shallow reefs
Yet cast us into darkness
And the horrors of the deep.
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