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Mouth please listen to me
You can't turn water to wine
Stop trying to convince me of myself

Ears please recover your authority
The world is happening before you
Slow down to hear the earth's axis creak

Eyes absorb each ray of unthinkable
For there will be a time of darkness
And I still need to stay on path

Body don't fail on me now
We are moments from disaster
And seconds from arrival
My body distracts me from the present all too often.
Take a step back to see it all clearly
you deserve observation and reflections on life
then take a step forward when the time becomes right
close your eyes only when your body needs sleeping
for all the world passes right by every night
wake in the morning and review what you've witnessed
smile at the wonder and dreams within sight
though sometimes in life there will be no one around you
then stories and memories will be all that you see
so spend your youth wisely that none could forget you
may your wishes be granted and your spirit be free
take time alone and create what you will
but never forget to find those that love you
give them what's due and even more still
think long on the many directions before you
take many lessons from the words others say
but take them only as far as they'll get you
a baby right now is an elder one day
Teachers are working organs in a sick body
Constantly challenged out of our comfort
Lungs expected to pump blood
A stomach that can't break down
Hearts begged to filter water
Diluting our true purpose
Administrators cannot function without us
A body is working system
Not a conveyor belt of replaced organs
Death is known from organs going on strike
Sickness can only last so long before we pass
As a teacher it is more than frustrating to see a administration abuse good teachers and run them out of districts. There are so many great teachers out there making changes in children's lives without any recognition. They are simply evaluated and not assigned a new contract. Yet this is how it continues to go.
i heard that the wind
can do as much as
turn skyscrapers into dust and rubble
and whisk away green vegetation
as it surges on unsuspecting cities.

my heart is not a city.
and you are not the wind.
don't turn us into a catastrophe.
My love and I were just seasonal lovers
I lost all faith in him
he was a scourge to his sensitive pride.

Today we are in a different country
Our smiles is now upside down
Our laugher is seldom heard,
Between us is the Brooklyn Bridge,
When he uses to look at me
his brown eyes tell his soul

It’s going to be colder outside,
For lovers like us,
He with his flannel pajamas
And I with my heavy pink robe and
fuzzy slippers
it's going to be a lonely winter
Did you never know, long ago, how much you loved me —
That your love would never lessen and never go?
You were young then, proud and fresh-hearted,
You were too young to know.

Fate is a wind, and red leaves fly before it
Far apart, far away in the gusty time of year —
Seldom we meet now, but when I hear you speaking,
I know your secret, my dear, my dear.
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