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Boundless dusk above forsaken intuitions
Stones with ancient seeds
Yet the roots can breathe
The earthly exuberance                                                       ­                       
The naked secret of our song
That manipulates my tounge
Redden from you and I
The contact of our lips
Simulating my hunger for your groin
The nerves of my vertebrates  harbor your weight
As my breast shudder from your touch
Primal delicious desires
I thirst for  the fluids of your flesh

With nurture and greed
I moisten your fingers
Help you find my sensitive  pearl
Relishing the trail of the garden of youth
Primal delicious desires explode in need
Delicate softness of my mystical place
Lifting my body with much response
As my fingers dance, pinch and **** at my peaks
Repeatedly as you   ****** me
I gasp and beg for your caress
I shudder as I chase my wave
Reaching as I whimper into a ******

Simulating my hunger for your groin
Inflaming my pores
I enlarge you ever so slow
Working my hands holding you from behind
One swift lick of your rigid flesh
You pull in a lungful of air
Your hot flesh started to grow
I ease you into my mouth
Circling as you keep the pace
Against me you put me in deep
The sweet taste of you makes me weak
Intense intervals underneath
Between your thighs

Intoxicating the very layers of my juice
I enlarge you once again
Moist and ready
I open my sweetness just for you
As I arch down onto you
Your hands rest on my hips
I begin to feel my flower grow
A whispering rouse escapes from my lungs
We flow inside each another
Deeper in my heat
Your aggressive arousal
Provoking me to quiver
The barrier surrenders to you and I
Vivid blossoms of tranquil harmony
Through the gateway of my womanhood

As you nurish the nutrients you covet for
My protruding pale pink buds
Plump with need
I'd hollow out to place you inside
I'd linger in this universe to pave your delicious desire
As you surrender  pushing me down
You penetrate my mouth once again
As you reclaim my mouth soft and pink
I hope this does not offend anyone if I did I'm sorry.
I wear these new scars
Because of you
With your pin ***** kiss
Making my lips burn
Your bare bones weaken me so
Perhaps we could wipe the dust off

I would be gentle and new
We hide in the darkness of how we lived
I want to heal the brokenness  in my heart
Into my veins as the blood explodes
As your hand collides with my face again
I trying to strive and  find myself some faith
Broken and wounded
But the seductive whirl I can't seem to purge
My heart is dying I feel shamed
The ghosts that live in my stomach
Try to consume my mind
Dazed eyes that can't cry
Through fields of regret
Wisps of me fly away
Not much left to say
The whimpers disappear from my lips
A quiet poison that captures me
Farewell to those whom I admired
Farewell blackened eyes
Farewell to a broken life
I'll have you know
I'm finally free
 May 2016 Andrew T
Free Bird
They tell her that's she's gullible
They tell her she's naive
All she wants is to see the best in people
She truly just wants to believe

That there are still good people out there
Decent people, like herself
That live their lives with integrity
Helping others for more than an exchange of wealth

Yet time && time again,
People seem to take advantage
Of her kind hearted nature
Of her willingness to always bandage

Everyone else's wounds
All she really wants to do is mend
The hearts of all the broken
To listen whenever they need a friend

The girl whom is always helping
To fight other people's battles
The one that you deem weak
For helping piece back those who have been dismantled

Though she feels all alone at times
Though she could use help with some stuff
She'll never ask for anyone's aid
For her, helping them out is enough
Kindness is not weakness, it is strength.
 May 2016 Andrew T
The music is blasting out loud.
You can feel the bass diving into your body.
Sweating mortals, creating chaos in a crowd.
It’s here where nobody becomes somebody.

Fragile glass filled with colors of a rainbow.
The liquid’s job is to make you dizzy.
Turning strangers into people, you now know.
It’s here where lazy meets busy.

Wanting a good time but is being oddly exposed.
Intrusive questions, stirring up the tension.
Asking polite for the door to remain closed.
It’s here where admiration turns into obsession.

Light is out, except for the lighter’s flame.
Shattered bottles and broken high heels.
Skin meets ground, leading to tomorrow’s pain.
It’s here where your alter ego is truly revealed.
I am not the party type at all. I will always prefer staying home surrounded by nothing but silence.
 May 2016 Andrew T
 May 2016 Andrew T
and i have never really understood why i hate luggage.
why i barely own handbags,
and would much rather fit the necessities in my purse.
why school didn't seem so bad if i had less books on my back.

i had never really understood why i hated so much baggage.

until i realised that it was because i already had all of me,
to carry.
 May 2016 Andrew T
Louise Ruen
Smoke was hanging in the air, and all I could do is stare.
I knew I wasn't good enough. I didn't care.
They try to pull me down their heavy tide. I guess I never tried.
There's something about hanging with the cool kids.
Cool and wicked - its' a mystery wheel.
Which turn will it take from here?
When will it all become real?

This is the place, where you want to be, the kids you want to hang with.
This is the time where everyone's talking, but nobody gives a ****
We're all truly brave. Just only when there's nothing to fear.

My heartbeat has never been this loud. Perhaps I dropped it on the ground.
The lights seem so far away. I didn't care.
They tried to pull me down their heavy tide. I guess I never tried.
There's something about hanging with the cool kids.
Cool and wicked - it's a mystery wheel.
Which turn did it take from there?
When did it all become so real?

We're all truly brave. What is there to fear?
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