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 Jan 2015 Danica
Meant to Be
 Jan 2015 Danica
I see the look in your eyes

                 When you talk about him

       And I know

                    That it was foolish to think

We were ever meant to be
 Jan 2015 Danica
Love her like
She's the raging sea,
Unrestrained and dark and deep.
And you crave her touch
Through aching pores
As you slowly drown in sleep.

Love her like
She's the tender storm,
A lovely shade of grey.
Like with every whiff
Of breath she takes,
She's taking yours away.

Love her like
She's the silent clouds
With calmness floating by.
Like you'd want to make
Sweet love to her
Under the moon's apocalyptic eye.

Love her like
She's the blazing fire,
And you lust the candied pain.
Like she's the disease
That swallowed you whole
And you'd like to die again.

When her gentle touch
Makes your chest explode,
And your addiction is your girl.
Promise you'll love her
Through hell and back,
Or don't you dare love her at all.
 Jan 2015 Danica
 Jan 2015 Danica
Give me one chance
To tell you why you don't deserve another.
I called this 15w because apparently I can't tell the difference between syllables and words :)

— The End —