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 Jan 2015 Danica
Devon Webb
If you told me
you cared
I wouldn't
believe you.
 Jan 2015 Danica
Devon Webb
You're not
worth my
 Jan 2015 Danica
Devon Webb
I won't let my
heart be broken
by someone
who doesn't know
how it was
 Jan 2015 Danica
 Jan 2015 Danica
We danced toward
each other's wounds

with gentle step
and touched inside

and now the bleeding
has resumed

and all this blood
is hard to hide.
 Jan 2015 Danica
Dolores L Day
"Why is this **** man single?"

Why indeed?
He's tall and lean, nice but never mean.
He rolls in dirt yet always seems clean
to me.

Why indeed?
With soft arms that should hold
Only a girl who is beautiful and bold
like me.

So Why indeed?
Hasn't he let me
Tell him how good he looks
in his recessive jeans?

Why indeed?
Isn't he
with me?
 Jan 2015 Danica
I put my love for you in a jar
And placed it on the dusty shelf
in the cellar.
This way I can pretend it's not there anymore
Tucked away in a dark corner of my heart
 Jan 2015 Danica
 Jan 2015 Danica
when you told me to open up for you
i gave you all of me
i gave you my body and my heart
because i love you and
i'll do anything for you
but i cant get you to open up for me
i cant break those steel gates surrounding the only thing i want from you.
 Jan 2015 Danica
Isabel Jimenez
my 3 am thoughts wander the night and find you,
but then i realize that your love was never mine
but to that girl who are your 3 am thoughts
And who you now tell that you've been waiting for her
since the crack of dawn to the break of day
because i'm sitting here in the pouring rain
and you don't even seem to take notice
because while your saying those i miss yous and i love yous to her
i think about the time when those i miss yous and i love yous once belonged to me
And that they slipped like water through my fingers
the empty spaces between my fingers
linger where yours use to fill
and fit so perfectly like puzzle pieces
because i'm still stuck on you
coming on to day two, soon comes week three
after that month four, when will this torture end
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