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Nape of neck was so smoothly skimmed
Bumps formed to reach for you
Knife drew a crude line illustration backside
We're performance art for an audience of none
some believe in the deity
others in the sanctity of self
I think poetry is a religion
a soul unto itself
not a god
but close
and I seek her his its
calming words
to get on my knees
and worship
every night
in my sanctuary
like any
true believer
Let us love the night so silent

for even birds abandon the cold.

Let us love the night so barren

and feel the dark arrest our souls.

To the night I spill my heart,

it listens and it sighs;

To the night I bare my throat,

it stares with depthless eyes.

                                                               ­          Inside

I am going insane.
Oh wait, I already am.
I see the demons already,
I see the floods.
At least I don't see,
crimson blood.
Child of mine please know

All things have a season

All things have a time

If stars can fall, then crash and burn

Humans fight and fail to learn

Then time has nought to teach

The blind will never learn to see

And the deaf will fail to hear

Even mighty rivers run dry

And seas can also die


my heart stopped beating

But time has taught me this...

Love is where you find it

Follow joy wherever you can

Hope can spring eternal

Fellowship remains in man
deadwood haiku is
exactly what the **** it
sounds like, *******

— The End —