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Always greets me
With his arms wide open
As he invites me to his place
Every morning
I've been walking down the city
Following a path the moonlight carved
Between the city lights and stars
Wondering which light
I should follow for now
I wrote letters
for myself
five years from now
telling him
that it's okay
to cry
once in a while
that tears
are not a sign
of weakness
but an emotion
taking shape
freeing itself
from the binds of body.

I comfort him
with lies
telling him
that if he waits
everything will
turn out
that the fire
won't burn as much
if left untouched

I tell him
that broken guitars
can sing too.
Out of tune
but the melody
is there
on the moon
and the shadows
are its audience.

I convince him
to tuck himself on bed
every night
and sleep
to count the sheep
and drift away
without the help
of tears.

I tell him
that I hope
five years from now
that he reads
these letters,
that i pray
it won't be left
collecting dust
in the corner
of an empty room
deprived of joy
and life.
Hurtful time
Hanging useless
Unneeded and unwanted
Every wasted instant
Killing the man I was
Turning me into something tame
My own pale shadow
Not me

All my cherished dreams
As stale as ancient bread
All hope within me
Has turned to ghostly pale
Even my lack of belief
Seems unbelievable
Each rock that I'm made of
Crumbles into dust
Longing for the wind
Of my final storm

                            By Phil Roberts
While I wait alone for Love to come,
When I add all the parts, but can't get the sum,
When life overwhelms and I finally succumb .....
I dream

When I see no end to lonely days,
When rainbows are colored in black and grays,
And to the Lord of Love I can give no praise .....
I dream

When I call Love's name and no one replies,
When I look for you through tear-filled eyes,
When even the wind feels pity and sighs .....
I dream

When morning comes and the day is new,
But the pain is old, and I'm missing you,
When the sky won't don its cloak of blue .....
I dream

When I wish on a star and its light grows dim,
And birds no longer sing their evening hymn,
When the world is looking hopeless and grim .....
I dream

And I keep dreaming until my spirit soars,
Until my spirit reaches Heaven's doors,
And when there's no answer, although it implores .....
I dream
Rays of a golden sun greet the day,
A warm breeze brushes my cheek in its play,
Fragrant flowers bloom in radiant hue,
Amidst this beauty, I think of you

A wandering bird in hectic flight
Searches for shelter before fall of night,
Then sanctuary comes within view,
When I've lost my way, I think of you

Amorous waves hug a lonely shore;
As avocets scavenge the sandy floor
The moon and stars keep their rendezvous,
In this peaceful realm, I think of you

A dove woos his mate high in a tree,
Together they warble love's symphony
As bees sip the rose's velvet dew;
Seeing love fulfilled, I think of you

Though life may demand its daily toll,
Your love guides me toward my journey's goal;
And when despair spreads its darkest hue --
Love's flame kindles when I think of you
Brighter shone the golden shadows;
On the cool wind softly came
The low, sweet tones of happy flowers,
Singing little Violet's name.
'**** the green trees was it whispered,
And the bright waves bore it on
To the lonely forest flowers,
Where the glad news had not gone.

Thus the Frost-King lost his kingdom,
And his power to harm and blight.
Violet conquered, and his cold heart
Warmed with music, love, and light;
And his fair home, once so dreary,
Gay with lovely Elves and flowers,
Brought a joy that never faded
Through the long bright summer hours.

Thus, by Violet's magic power,
All dark shadows passed away,
And on the home of happy flowers
The golden light for ever lay.
Thus the Fairy mission ended,
And all Flower-Land was taught
The 'Power of Love,' by gentle deeds
That little Violet wrought.
As trees awake from their Winter rest,
How they shiver without their green sleeves;
Doleful birds gaze at their vacant nest,
Alone, the mateless dove mourns and grieves

Icy snow covers the forest floors,
Even my hot tears are turned to frost;
Has the sun shuttered its golden doors?
It appears Nature's wires have been crossed

Winter's settled in and won't depart,
The hearth's cold embers will not relight;
My love left, taking with him my heart,
Frozen I stood as he left my sight

Angels peer down from their lofts on high
As cries of anguish rise to their ears;
Who dares to set Nature's laws awry!
What force is this that can stir such fears!

Without his love these bleak wintry days
Are dimming my view of Paradise;
Bid him come to lift this cold dark haze,
Only then can sunbeams leave the skies!

He was the guardian of my dreams,
Alas! he carelessly let them fall
Through the ice of Winter's murky streams,
Spring will be late ...... if it comes at all
I love my little garden Lord
Which you have given me
I thank you for this heaven
Where I can feel so free

I pray each night to give me strength
To sow more wondrous seeds
And for you to bless the birds
Who fly right in to feed

I bless you for my sight and smell
To enjoy the flowers so
And all the bees and butterflies
Who gently come and go

So bless my little garden Lord
It gives me peace and joy
For I have prayed each night to you
Since I was just a boy

Keith Wilson  Windermere. UK.  2017.
This is a rewrite of an older poem
from  Jan 1st  2016.
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