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Julia Van Winkle Jul 2014
The birds are chirping
The sun is breaking through the trees
The clouds pass on by
Like all the pain of yesterday
The cars drive
Below the blue sky
All around me there is something
Something I can't describe
Maybe it's life
Maybe it's death
Because we all know everything has an end
The waves are crashing and bending their backs to get a better look
At the things I find beautiful
At the things that are living
At the things that are dying
At the things all around me
Julia Van Winkle Jul 2014
"I thought of all the beauty in the world
and it wasn't enough for me to want to stay."
Julia Van Winkle Jul 2014
It's almost over
All of what I have fell in love with
I leave in a few days
I leave to come home
And I hope, you will remember me
I hope I haven't been banished from your memory
And I know if I see you
You'll smile and pretend everything's okay
The funny thing is that
You don't know

You don't know how long I've been gone
You don't know why I've been gone
You don't know that I still love you
You don't know that I'm sorry
For all the things I've done
And all I can say is I don't know
People leave. And all you can do is wonder
  Jul 2014 Julia Van Winkle
no matter how hard we try
some people are just not meant to be in our lives
Julia Van Winkle Jul 2014
They smoked till they needed an inhaler
They couldn't have been paler
Full of wisdom, full of experience
Beauty was what they had
Red lipstick smudged onto their lips
Smelt of cigarettes, beer, and stale perfume
I don't know why I love them so, they were always there

Boney was the place to be, the place all the kids would go
They told me urban legends of my town
Rodney the ******, I should talk to him about politics
Scott the Schizophrenic, I should talk to him about The Man
They held me by my hand
And yet I still wished to leave
To leave the Mystical Three
Amber, Madison, and Sarah
Julia Van Winkle Jul 2014
Honey treasures lock together where North and South collide,
a mountain is a magnet when its tree tops touch the sky
Gentle curves in hills of sand untouched by man,
dreams collapse with memory and so love dies again.
Julia Van Winkle Jul 2014
There once was a man from the land of Before
Who was always content and did not ask for more
And his wife always asked why he lived in the past
His reply, "I just never want to get bored."

His wife met a man who was from Today land
This man even called himself 'sir'
He had money and houses and bought her nice blouses
And made other men insecure

So the man asked his wife why she looked so depressed
She looked back and replied, "Do you see how I'm dressed? I'm done with your time, it was simple back then.
I don't want your love, I'm leaving with him"

So she went to the future, expecting the best
But the new man was bankrupt and they had even less
She went back to the past when she came to her senses
But her husband wasn't there, he had gone to the Present

To the present she ran, with her arms open wide
When she finally got there, her husband had died
So the lesson we learn here is on of a kind
'Do not bend  yourself to the pressure of time'
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