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23.5k · Jan 2019
diamonds in the rough
dc Jan 2019
It’s rare to find
people who

dc Jan 2019
people get on
     and people get off.

young and old,
     fraile and bold.

i often wonder
     will my time come?

but a torn ticket
seems to say

     i'll be here
           another day.
558 · Dec 2018
I think in poetry
dc Dec 2018
I think in poetry,
my thoughts convey rhyme.

I imagine in pictures,
just passing time.

My dreams carry meaning,
a slightly dull chime.

All these things in my head;
I'd be better off dead.
533 · Jan 2019
Suicide, and Why Not
dc Jan 2019
Through your eyes, the world is gray
Not much to smile upon, a blurry disarray
You approach the day with an endless frown,
Your only wish is that you weren't around.
You curse the heavens and blame the stars,
Because there's a torment inside you, you hate who you are.
You hate the cold glares as you walk through the halls,
You're desperate to hide so you stick to the walls.

But there's a single escape, an easy remedy
A way to reach serenity.

It's a thought bubbling in your mind,
A simple solution, redefined.
It'll end all your troubles and end all your pains,
Releasing the throb from yesterday.

As you pick up the bottle and hear the pills rattle inside,
You take a deep breath and realize you're terrified.
You're overcome with emotion as you imagine a friend,
How would they feel if your life were to end?
You have family and friends and teachers and peers
A future ahead, where everything clears.

It may take some time, perhaps even years,
But you know in the end you'll get rid of your fears.

You imagine a dog, a pup you adore
Laying beside you with a little snore.
You envision the beach, your toes in the sand
A lover beside you, holding your hand.
You picture a snow day, you're inside with the heat
A mug in your hand, hot chocolate so sweet.
You see young children laughing, a grandmother grinning
A colorful playground, and that’s just the beginning.

These are all little things, moments so small,
But you realize you'd be heartbroken to miss out on them all.
Though the present is tough, it’s not tougher than you,
There's so much to live for, and that much is true.
Suicide prevention hotline-
512 · Jan 2019
Poetry Effects
dc Jan 2019
Poems pull at my heart strings
creating emotions, so loud
through the silent screen

I want to write,
to create a stir
to make people feel
and bask and absorb
in each little word

I can only hope and try
and perhaps I’ll do it right
506 · Jan 2019
The Midnight Orchestra
dc Jan 2019
The stars sing
The deer dance
The trees tremble

The wind whines
The moon murmurs
The wolves whimper

And the curtains close
as you open your eyes
and behold the dreamy dawn.
471 · Jan 2019
bettering myself
dc Jan 2019
by fear, by passion, by pain

by memories, by reminders, by faces

and yet

for joy, for care, for love

for growth, for improvement, for change
454 · Feb 2019
dc Feb 2019
Being sad for this long,
I’m exhausted.
445 · Jan 2019
Never too late
dc Jan 2019
It’s never too late to decide
that you want to change your mind
This applies to anything: career, college, significant other, even during ***. Never give someone grief for changing their mind.
Surround yourself with people who support you and respect your decisions, not who try to bring you down or force you to do something. Too often we are ostracized for being indecisive or unsure of ourselves, but we need to be more accepting and welcoming.
421 · Feb 2019
dc Feb 2019
Sunlight brightens
tips of trees,
melting into
purple and blue
What a beautiful
403 · May 2019
Sweet Escape
dc May 2019
Take me to a world
Where agonies retreat
Where flower petals dance
Around little children's feet

Take me to a world
Where sorrow is forgotten
Where the sun never sets
And clouds glide like cotton

Take me to a world
Where happiness is true
Where everyone is kind
To strangers passing through

Take me to a world
Where stresses are evaded
Where everything is clear
And eyesight's never jaded

Take me to a world
A hidden sweet escape
A place where I can run and hide
A place to save my youth
397 · Feb 2019
Is it just me?
dc Feb 2019
I isolate myself
Then cry tears of loneliness
As if it weren’t my own fault
394 · Dec 2018
one of those nights
dc Dec 2018
a long dreary day
and a cold lonely night

sad music flowing
and salty tears falling

pen on the paper
and words coming out

closing my eyes
sleep’s overcoming
392 · Dec 2018
flower heart
dc Dec 2018
delicate flowers
like a fragile heart
easy to tear
soft to the touch

blossoming under the warm
the rays of tender care

but quick to wilt and crumple

under a stormy sky,
the flower hides
afraid of the tears,
the rain

but all that it needs
is the thing many perceive

is it really love?
391 · Feb 2019
My beacon
dc Feb 2019
From the inside view
of the raging waters,
everything spun, twisted,
overwhelmed in a flurry.

I took a deep breath,
opened my eyes;
and to my surprise,
you were there to guide me.

You're a beautiful beacon in my sullen storms.
To my best friend,
thank you for showing me the way
383 · Apr 2019
Hid away
dc Apr 2019
I wake up and my face is red
From tears the night before
I do my makeup all nice
I put my best clothes on
And wear a smile on my lips
But don’t get too close
Because if you look in my eyes

You’ll see all that I hid away.
376 · Jan 2019
Temporarily Endless
dc Jan 2019
Don't promise me forever
If you can't stay the night
364 · Dec 2018
dc Dec 2018
I miss your skin
but I’m terrified of your touch

I miss your love
but I won’t forget your anger

I miss your voice
but I can’t stand your screams
343 · Jun 2019
dc Jun 2019
Leave an impact wherever you go,
Because the more you do,
The more you’ll grow
332 · Dec 2018
dc Dec 2018
I wanted to be loved,
but I'm scared to commit

Because what if it ends?
It won't be worth it
330 · Jan 2019
At the beach
dc Jan 2019
At the beach, the air is clear.
At the beach, can I stay here?

At the beach, toes in the sand.
At the beach, skin is tanned.
At the beach, life is grand.
I could go for a trip to the beach right about now.
329 · Jan 2019
Blame Game
dc Jan 2019
I have a bad habit
of thinking
things are always
my fault
293 · Jul 2022
dc Jul 2022
maybe I finally realized that
not everyone is as confident
all knowing
as they appear
280 · Jul 2019
We'll make it out alive
dc Jul 2019
Today a year ago
I was a different person
nothing but dread for the future
fear of the past
fright for the days to come

But times change
and people, too

Some things come
blessings in disguise
masked by the shadow
holding light down inside

With love guiding the way,
a passionate embrace,
I can truly say

We'll make it out alive.
279 · Dec 2018
no one will know
dc Dec 2018
they see my face and see my smile
but they don't want to listen and stay for a while.
I keep my emotions private,
hide my deepest thoughts
leaving everyone seeing tiny snapshots.
a view through a haze,
an unnerving gaze,
no one will know my point of view.
no one will know what's really true.
277 · Feb 2019
dc Feb 2019
We pay no mind to the things we have
We constantly desire more and more
We're inconsiderate, us humans

We want and take
and grab and steal

But we forget to cherish and appreciate,
To settle for just enough
Our greed is all-consuming.
277 · Jan 2019
dc Jan 2019
We’re not afraid to

We’re afraid to
269 · Jan 2019
dc Jan 2019
After the pain is less noticeable,
after the teardrop count lessens,
after the hurt becomes a dull ring
instead of a blaring siren,
you're left in a dreary state,
a frame of mind where
you're not bothered
by the same sadness
you're just wandering,
solemn, emotionless, and
dc Jan 2019
The future is in a plastic bag,
easy to see and possible to reach.
The contents are all muddled inside,
one big blur of possibilities.

I could stick my hand in and feel around,
blindly grasping shapes and outcomes.
Or I could wait it out, see them spill out,
and have it all revealed at once.

But when I look inside, the only truth
is that I can hope and wait.
264 · Feb 2019
dc Feb 2019
I'm addicted to writing,
the freedom's my drug.
I get high off the words
and float on the escape.

The minutes spent thinking,
tension releasing
The minutes spent writing,
feelings free flowing.
251 · Jan 2019
dc Jan 2019
rise in the sun,
flourish and grow.
spread the delicacy,
open up to the world.
let the light shine
and beginnings begin,
because flowers seize opportunity.
240 · Dec 2018
fairytale romance
dc Dec 2018
I’ve read too much romance,
each page is my poison
filling me with hopes and expectations so grand
but deep down I know how unlikely it is
because a fairytale romance is exactly that
just a story someone made to fill their desire
how could the author be such a beautiful liar
238 · Jan 2019
take me to the moon
dc Jan 2019
the moon mewls in melancholy
as the sun snatches his soft shine

each day he's chased away
but the night returns to grant his passage

i'll sail up in my soaring ship
and befriend the lonely lost one

because we all know a searching soul
and they must be protected.
238 · May 2018
Whispers and Promises
dc May 2018
Lost and forgotten are the whispers and the promises
The start was floating, drifting around
Surrounded by a sea of mystery, of pain, of sadness
In the present I’m stranded
Standing on an island of betrayal
The waves are the disappointment lapping at my toes and flooding my senses
Nowhere to be free, nowhere to escape

Feelings are like chains bound to the ground
The ground the expectations, the plans, and the broken dreams
The chains the haunting memories, the nightmares, and the many missing hopes

Everyday it’s harder to breathe,
harder to rise,
harder to strive for the old carefree self that I once knew
Suffocated by his face, his words, his strong hold on everything I thought to be mine

Consumed by a feeling so many desire
A feeling that rips and tears and mercilessly destroys

There’s no control when there’s pain inside you
There’s no control when the images slip by you
There’s no control when the warnings breeze past you

How can one thing, one moment in time
Break you, shake you, leave you stumbling around the broken world
Everything’s different;
nothing’s the same
When your heart is torn and ripped away

Piece by piece—
Nothing more than whispers and promises
236 · May 2019
dc May 2019
Burial grounds stand
Where guarded walls once stood

The shots blazed through,
Shattering impermeable pieces

Now I’m laying here,
228 · Jun 2019
Power and Freedom
dc Jun 2019
When I write, I feel free
Because there's power in my words
And freedom in my voice

When I write, I feel free
Because my thoughts make a difference
To me and those who view it

When I write, I feel free
Because there's a moment of escape
Each time I touch the keys

So I thank this moment for its power
As my mind releases thoughts
And my heart embraces freedom
227 · Jan 2019
Cons of youth
dc Jan 2019
People say that
because I'm young
I haven't felt
I haven't experienced
I haven't learned
I couldn't possibly know
pain and anguish
but there's a chance
I've gone through more
than they ever will
and in that case
they shouldn't tell me
what they think
I should and shouldn't
201 · Feb 2019
Self truth
dc Feb 2019
If I cannot convince myself
that I am all right,

How could I possibly
convince anyone else?
201 · Feb 2019
dc Feb 2019
The worst feeling
in the entire
world is
It’s suffocating, my chest hurts,
I can hardly breathe
199 · Mar 2019
dc Mar 2019
It's both beautiful and terrifying,
the unseen effects a collection of words
can have on a person.

And you may never know your impact.
195 · May 2019
dc May 2019
Artists and designers,
Schemers and conspirators.
The deeper the meaning,
the harder to cope.
With every brush stroke,
a new sliver of hope.
Like poets and authors,
each page is their canvas,
a place to create
a moment of magic.
Wrote from the heart,
this beautiful art,
evoking feelings
for all who are able
to marvel it.
187 · Mar 2019
dc Mar 2019
Quit your worries about
what you cannot change,

Just focus on the now.
186 · Apr 2019
April 2nd
dc Apr 2019
I sat in class today,
a longing look in my eye
as I watched the clock
tick as the minutes went by.

It was a monotonous morning
with the teacher's long lecture,
so I proceeded to turn
my attention elsewhere.

I looked out the window
and to my surprise,
a flurry of snowflakes
fell from the sky.

Who would have thought
that April Fools Day would be followed
by a day full of snow, so bright and so careful?
184 · Jan 2019
Relationship advice
dc Jan 2019
A friend once asked me how to act
around the girl he likes.
I told him, be yourself.
Wouldn’t you rather her
fall for you
instead of the person
you’re pretending to be?
183 · Jan 2023
love letter from a mirror
dc Jan 2023
everyday I’m stared into
cried to, confessed to
when the face appears in my vision,
she usually stays a while,
never looking the same from the time she arrives
to the moment she leaves,
face outline and colorful one moment
smudged and plain the next

on occasion she has a lover to show me
taking up a space I could never fill,
telling her sweet little words that ring in her ears
but they come and they go,
never long to stay,
no one like me.
they don’t see it all
the highs, the lows
her smiles and bright eyes
as they dim at night

when her hope seems lost
i wish to cradle her
wrap her in arms that i cannot afford
i wish she saw herself the way i see her
i wish those she brought around gave her more
but she always returns to me, day after day
staring into my eyes and speaking to me
she knows i am voiceless yet she feels me listening

unless she speaks only to herself
the reflection she stares at
she doesn’t see me,
just her eyes in my sight
that’s the thing about mirrors
we’re all an illusion
178 · Jan 2019
I’m here
dc Jan 2019
Tell me all your troubles,
Tell me all your fear.

I promise that I’ll listen,
I promise I’ll stay here.
175 · Feb 2019
Your little secret
dc Feb 2019
Don't tell a soul,
You say when you're through.
Don't tell a soul that I did this to you.
I nod my head silently,
Face covered in tears.
I have to comply,
You're the worst of my fears.

I’m choking on sobs,
My hurt is overflowing.
But you’re sitting there smug,
Amused and glowing.

You walked away that day with little to say,
Not caring about the way I felt,
Not caring about me; without a doubt.
You left me and my ravished skin,
You left me, your most heinous sin.

Though you've moved on and gone your way,
I'll never forget that horrible day.
It’s been almost 9 months since it happened and I still feel it, still remember it, clear as day. Some days are worse than others. Last night was a bad one.
174 · Jan 2019
Played (haiku)
dc Jan 2019
I’m like a game
I’ll return to the shelf
for I have been played
Accessories sold separately. Handle with care :,)
164 · Feb 2019
Super Bowl Sunday
dc Feb 2019
My family is here and surrounding the screen
chanting excitedly with passion so real
enthusiasm exudes my loved ones
with each play that's made
it's a wonderful thing
how together we
have become
155 · Jul 2022
dc Jul 2022
"I'm no longer an alcoholic," Grandma says,
dropping her fourth can of coke into the trash can.
"I'm not an addict anymore."

It's only noon.
this is not to shame recovering addicts;
just an observation of the way addiction can present itself in many ways.

— The End —