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 Sep 2015 Country Girl
Save a life, of course
Pick you up, pouring rain
But get your beer-coated breath out of my face

Stop shouting, we'll buy your smokes
Putting your hands on her arm
Dragging your fingers to trace
My hands shove you back
Sit down in the back seat
You push me away

She's driving
For God's sake she's driving
   Stop whispering in her ear
     She's yelling
   Stop whispering in her ear
     She's whimpering
   Stop whispering in her ear
     She's sobbing

Get your lips off her
Sit down in the back seat
We are on the highway
We cannot stop
We are on the highway
Sit down in the back seat
Don't park the car
**You can't park th-
The other night.
I will always protect her. I don't **** around.
Let that be a lesson to you.
The quality of this is **** tho...
 Dec 2014 Country Girl
Freshman year:
honor roll, top 15%, on the right track (academically)

Senior year:
failing 3/8 classes, thrown out of the honor society, crying
I'm not going to get into college, am I?
so I brought my writer wife
(prominently pregnant)
to the hospital
and on her bed, she screamed:
"weren't" "hasn't" "couldn't" "shan't"
"aint" "hadn't" "you're" "isn't"
"aren't" "didn't" "wasn't"
"who's?" "what's?" "he's" "she's"

The doctors were confounded
and they turned to me and they said:
"What the hell is she doing?"

And I replied with double speed
and a violent sense of urgency:
*"Don't you know?
She's having contractions -
she's a writer"
What is snow
Flakes of frozen precipitation
A blanket of winter's grasp
Holding you with its icy grips.

Or is it simply reminders
Reminders that no matter how many people there are
We are all unique
And free.

Snow flakes remind us
of what it means to be human
Always Different
Ever changing
Always moving
hurting others when we all gather up at once
Covering our tracks everyday
sometimes doing a good job of it.

Once we compare ourself to nature,
we soon realize how much we really aren't different at all,
How insignificant in the vast universe,
Why is it so hard for some of us to grasp?

We are all our own little snow flake.
 Oct 2014 Country Girl
Katie Anne
My sun
Light of my life

No matter the distance
You still keep me warm

No matter the distance
You light up the world

And no matter
How close I get
I can't catch up

I'd rather burn
Than spend the night alone

— The End —