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 Aug 2014 cosmicashes
a m a n d a
all things seemed
    p o s s i b l e
in the explosive air      
a r o u n d you and now
that you are gone
so are the possible things.
 Aug 2014 cosmicashes
 Aug 2014 cosmicashes
All you hopeless romantics will understand one day
That a person you fall in love with will steal your breath away
Faster than your cold hollow casket being lowered into the ground
Faster than death itself
 Aug 2014 cosmicashes
He is the unforgettable type
Everything he does
Everything he says
Is just instantly burned forever
To the back of your head

Sometimes this just occurs
You don't notice
You don't see it coming
Feelings come out of nowhere

But in cases like this
You see this person coming
And you know they are going to be important
Feelings start growing
Feelings you can't avoid

You start falling for this person
And you can't help but do so
You know they may hurt you
You're giving them the power to
But you hope they won't

Because that's the problem with the unforgettable type
They burn so bright
Until they consume you
And they shine like they never have before
Like you never will
Because ashes is all you are left with
 Aug 2014 cosmicashes
 Aug 2014 cosmicashes
The bloom of my heart on the first day of spring. You gave me flowers and so much to remember. You promised a forever with a pinky finger.

We had fun this summer. The beach and adventures. Always the best time when I'm with you, coz you make me smile, that's what you always do.

The falling of golden leaves in the fall season. Oh boy! That was a whole lot of pies in our belly. We rake and play on these leaves together. Then I pause and thought, you might be the one. No doubt, I finally found you.

In a cold winter night where you left me in December, I stand on the side of the road, hugging myself on this busy street wanting to stop the tears. This is what I've always fear. You dissapear and that I couldn't bear. Watching the snow fell from the dark sky, I thought I'll be permanently happy but here I am just feeling empty.

Because those seasons are now nothing but a memory.


Feelings :[
People come & go. But life goes on.


The wild black promontories of the coast extend
Their savage silhouettes;
The sun in universal carnage sets,
And, halting higher,
The motionless storm-clouds mass their sullen threats,
Like an advancing mob in sword-points penned,
That, balked, yet stands at bay.
Mid-zenith hangs the fascinated day
In wind-lustrated hollows crystalline,
A wan valkyrie whose wide pinions shine
Across the ensanguined ruins of the fray,
And in her lifted hand swings high o'erhead,
Above the waste of war,
The silver torch-light of the evening star
Wherewith to search the faces of the dead.


Lagooned in gold,
Seem not those jetty promontories rather
The outposts of some ancient land forlorn,
Uncomforted of morn,
Where old oblivions gather,
The melancholy, unconsoling fold
Of all things that go utterly to death
And mix no more, no more
With life's perpetually awakening breath?
Shall Time not ferry me to such a shore,
Over such sailless seas,
To walk with hope's slain importunities
In miserable marriage? Nay, shall not
All things be there forgot,
Save the sea's golden barrier and the black
Closecrouching promontories?
Dead to all shames, forgotten of all glories,
Shall I not wander there, a shadow's shade,
A spectre self-destroyed,
So purged of all remembrance and ****** back
Into the primal void,
That should we on that shore phantasmal meet
I should not know the coming of your feet?
 Aug 2014 cosmicashes
Emo kitty
It's 1:11
  I still haven't gone to sleep
Thoughts going Thro my mind
As if its a ride
     As I look at the time I think
I should be asleep
    But thin the thoughts
They come right back
Like sleep you don't need that
     It's kinda cheep
They say time is $
But I say time is memory
    Looking at my little brothers
All I could think is...
That's a good age to have
Nothing to be scared of
To not see how cruel the world really is
I have to say I miss that stage
     Were I was able to be load
And make messes
Magically be put in my bed
    Or were the tooth fair was real
Santa claws too
Now it's just a thing
     I go along with
Hoping it'll last as long as it can
Because these are the good days
   We're imagination runs wild
And being you isn't hard <3

Be yourself always
~Emo kitty~
 Aug 2014 cosmicashes
come be my Mad Hatter
and let me be your Alice

drive me insane
with your upside-down reality

we would kneel together
in front of the
Queen of Hearts

don't let go of me
lest i awake from this dream
and never see you again
I am not yours
You are not mine
Can we just sit
And watch the sun shine?

It’s not the summer
No, it’s not June
But can we please
Just watch the full moon?

We can sit here
And pass the time
Talk to each other
While I cannot rhyme

How do I say that
I really like you
But not a reply
You just look right through

Like I am crazy
That I’m not here
But I promise
I won’t shed a tear
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