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4.7k · Mar 2017
Cosmic Dust Mar 2017
See me in a mountain of petals
That I push under the rug
Just like the feelings I hide
To save me from falling further

I'm muffled coughs and aching chests
A personification of the spring
Heart blinded and suffocated
By the beauty that is you

Dawns are spent in bathroom stalls
My heart worn on the soles of my feet
Cursing the ache of what cannot be
For loss and longing, entirely

He loves me not, the law repeats
For what it's worth,
Don't spare me the humanity
Only in death shall I forfeit

Forever my heart in camellia sheets,
Forever for you it tries to beat.
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease characterized by coughing out flower petals, caused by an unrequited love.
1.4k · Feb 2017
Cosmic Dust Feb 2017
In a world this cruel
Some people choose to let go
But some hold on too tightly
For the wounds of your past to show
If you can't find nice people, be one.
895 · Feb 2017
I'm In Love...
Cosmic Dust Feb 2017
I'm in love with pretty brown eyes
Sparking like the stars in the sky
And a voice so sweet, I always melt
My legs grow weary when he smiles

I think of him for days and nights
Of how gently he strums the guitar
And although oceans apart we are
Not once have I felt his hands were far

Oh what I'd give to see that smile
Or spend every morning by his side
But all I could do is look up high
And tell the stars and deities divine

"As long as you're happy, I'll be fine"
Special thanks to my muse hjs; Dedicated to those who give the most selfless kind of love.
831 · Feb 2017
Cosmic Dust Feb 2017
Years ago I thought
That the fondness of the heart
Is found in absence.
Your smile, your warmth, I missed
I really did.
Some things are best left in the past. Accept and let go.
Cosmic Dust Dec 2017
Hi, it's been a while
I called to ask for I've been curious
All these days
Have you been fine?

I gotta be honest, I know it's late
Too late, yeah, I took a while
I hope you'd still hear me out
Just like old times

For years, by my side
Since the beginning of time
You were there and I'm thankful,
Thankful that you were mine

There were things I couldn't tell you
And feelings I failed to show
You'd probably hate how long this would be
But I thought that you should know

Ever since we parted
On our bed your empty space
Sunshine hasn't passed through the curtains
Light gone with the smile on your face

I still wait for your texts
Though I know you'd rather call
I'm not sure why I still hope for you
When I know I'm hoping for nothing at all

And the days that have passed
You never cross my mind
For you were there and never left
You haunt me all the time

I still see you in crowds
And places we used to be
In the form of silhouettes
And flashbacks of old memories

How I came to let you go
You gave up without a fight
The you whose words were beautiful
Became silence that was cold as ice

"Let's live our separate lives"
"I'm sorry, it's for the best"
I thought I didn't deserve as much
To be loved as much as love itself

No, I'm not here to apologize
To the damage already dealt
But I may be drunk to send you this
Too drunk on hurt and regret

Today you're supposed to be happy
For it's the day that you were born
And the day you walk down the aisle
With happiness that's yours to own

You were the eye and I, the storm
Like hurricanes we formed our home
You were the peace that's meant to stay
And in your life, I shall dissolve

It's not goodbye for eternity
Warmth of your peace I'd always seek
Right now we're just not meant to be
But the next lifetime, I hope it's you I still meet
for Shay, Tine, Stel,  and every NielSung shipper out there!!
587 · Feb 2017
Cosmic Dust Feb 2017
Oh bright shining star
Whose light shines on my darkest
I hope your smile lasts
566 · Mar 2018
the world; the universe
Cosmic Dust Mar 2018
Once I was your world
A utopia in the realm
Of your dreams
Where skies are blue
And shooting stars
Make dreams come true

And so I turn
Breaking so I can bend
For beautiful sunrises
For the most beautiful sunsets
The bright moon up for nights
With stars like your eyes

You ran on meadows
Bloomed flowers in our spring
The rain was beautiful too
So were the hailstorms for you
In the winters we’d laugh
Until the next autumn comes

I profess my love in seasons
Freezing time on beautiful moments
Laying out the stars for you
Promising you the world
Myself, and so much more

But when the stars don’t shine
And the snow won’t fall
When the hailstorms bruise
And flowers in spring don’t bloom
The world won’t be enough
So the universe you’d explore
some people leave in search of greater things, but that doesn't make you any lesser. the universe is vast, and beautiful, but so is the world, but so are you
565 · Feb 2018
Cosmic Dust Feb 2018
Blue was the color of the skies
Littered by fireworks,
Our hopes and dreams
When I met you
One midsummer’s night

There was blue in your hazel
Behind the windows of your eyes
You cover the raindrops
In curtains and blinds
So beautiful when you smile

Flowers bloomed in my garden
A meadow of roses blue
I didn’t know what they would mean
It didn’t matter
As long as I had you

Stripped bare of our armor
Your soul was blue
Dented in battle and bruised
Did it ever bring you comfort
When mine was too?

Day by day the autumn comes
The orange bright and pure
Our sunsets were spent
With empty spaces and hearts
‘Til my orange became blue

In your absence, I was white
Littered with streaks of blue
I wouldn’t long for hazel eyes
Or sunsets bright in hue
For my favorite color since then

Has only, and always been you
536 · Mar 2017
What would you do?
Cosmic Dust Mar 2017
What would you do
When winter comes
The breeze blowing cold
And you have no hand to hold?

What would you do
When the flowers bloom
And the world comes back to life
But you feel like dying inside?

What would you do
When waves come back to the shore
And you have no clue
Where home is anymore?

What would you do
When dead leaves pile up
And everything that falls
Gets caught except you?

The years have passed
The seasons too
But if you feel stuck
In the same old place

What would you do?
516 · Feb 2017
Cosmic Dust Feb 2017
Too much of something, they said
Won't do me any good
But in your absence I realized
That too much of nothing was worse
Than somethings I've indulged in
508 · Feb 2017
The Madness of Longing
Cosmic Dust Feb 2017
Solitude was the thief
Its accomplice was old man time
In this quest to find myself
And desire to make you mine

The heart my greatest downfall
Though it calls out just one name
Young and blind, incapable
Functional although insane

For you it shouts and echoes
Repeats it four to five
Each step I take towards you
Makes the echoes multiply

My feet though bleeding, blistered
From running miles and miles
On the quicksand we call longing
And love drowns me alive

I shook hands with my demons
To reconcile with yours
Ablaze I set my being
For an ending I can't be sure

The tunnel's dark and distant
Your hand nowhere in sight
So I diminish into nothing
In search of you, my light

I'd close my eyes, ignore
Cuts and bruises on my soul
Not much love is left for me
To you I gave it all
to my muse, the boy who longs to explore outer space
491 · Mar 2017
Anywhere, Everywhere
Cosmic Dust Mar 2017
You live in the memories inside me
The flashbacks at the slightest trigger
You're in the footsteps I take
Holes in the ground that lead nowhere

You're in the cup of coffee that I hate
For I still crave a sip in the wee hours of dawn
You stay on tabletops like the dust of summer
Falling slowly only to stubbornly linger

You're the sunburn etched carelessly on my skin
Wishing for the pain to go and nostalgia to stay
You are the sun, the moon, the stars and the sea
The air inside my lungs, forever within me.
another one for my muse, as if i don't write about you enough
437 · Feb 2017
The Boy
Cosmic Dust Feb 2017
How lovely is the boy
Whose smile brings about spring
The lines forming his face
Engraved in my memory with his smile
And maybe if it's winter outside
I see the flowers bloom all the time

How majestic is the boy
Whose poise speaks of royalty
And though a peasant lowly I may be
The way he reaches out, so carefree
Makes me feel the rags I wear
Are riches too, when it touches he

How dandy is the boy
Whose gestures are of a child
The sun-kissed skin that glows
When frolicking under the sunlight
And a mind though a handful of years ahead
He sometimes chooses to play instead

How gracious is the boy
Who forgets his roots never
He prays and thanks for blessings
Even in the stormy weather
And never once he has forgotten
The shelter he takes when he has fallen

How thankful I am for the boy
Who was born on the cold harsh winter
For he forged a spirit of warmth
And his heart makes this world feel kinder
As I stare at the boy that I adore
I couldn't ask for anything more
a dedication to my muse who's miles and miles away

— The End —