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 Nov 2015
arms point
to the sky•
a gesture
                           frozen in                 eter-
                                 nity•un-                fazed as
                                   the clouds                whisper a
        lie•                 rumours of                 rain that
  never               came quickly•            prickles
protrude             menacingly            •threaten-
ing all who          would stray         too close•      
baseless            gossip that   masquerade    
as pleasant-   ry•to deviate me from      
the path i chose•still i stand            
here...duelling the sun          
•in a land scorched            
ing for hope
when there's 
really none•
here i stand...
lonely and
Concrete Poem 11 of 30

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 Nov 2015
Earl Jane

♥                                       ........ooooooo........                                       ♥
oh                                     .......oooo.o.oooo.......                                    my
l­ove                               ......ooooo.O.ooooo......                               king
soulmate                       .......oooo.o.oooo.......                        husband
life is wonder-              ........ooooooo........                  ful with you
saccharine are your.             lips.bewitching are
your eyes. oh your face        ..oo..          are a heavenly .visage
in the amidst of my excru-     oo   ciation I have crowned you
with my love you are my chosen king that I have.enthroned
in my kingdom, my love shines all throughout like a gleami
-ng crown in a king's head, your silk cape falls down with glo-
ry, your glimmering presence fill the vicinity with peace and
exuberance, your smile an ornament in my heavenly realm, oh
how blissful I am to have you and yes you're my king and I am
..your queen and we will be together with God in everlasting..

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

i love you a lot my king,, hope you like this ****** one,, i really don't know how to make it,, i just tried my best....

sorry for this... LOOOlll,,, really soo ******.. :/ that's my first concrete poem ever, loolll took so long to make and not even worth reading,,,, :/ gumenasai minna-san... (I have a poem with same title as this,, the thoughts are the same but the other one is just short,, :D still, this is ****** :/ no good )
 Nov 2015
quiet  sol-■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■­■■■■■
itude envelopes■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
my space • deflecting■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
all that is consequential•lea-■■■■■■■■■■■
ving voiceless  thoughts i cannot■■■■■■■■
trace • only ghost-like echoes vi-■■■■■■■■
sit;  faint  and subtle •nestling in■■■■■■■■
this void that i am in• comfort e-■■■■■■■■
mbraces warm like a  long lost fr-■■■■■■■■
iend•i melt as i sink deeper with-■■■■■■■■
in• slow tumble into an abyss w-■■■■■■■■
ith no end•relativity dissolves in-■■■■■■■■
to nothingness •everything seems■■■■■■■■
warped and incoherent•there is...■■■■■■■■
an odd strength about being wei-■■■■■■■■
ghtless • as the currents carry me■■■■■■■■
away from the days' detriments...■■■■■■■■
welcome, come've been■■■■■■■■
here before•do not's not■■■■■■■■
too far • just a few steps, beyond■■■■■■■■
the door•slip into my dark-          
   ness for i've left the
               gates to my

slightly ajar•
Concrete Poem 10 of 30

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 Nov 2015
•here lies
the  rema-
ins• that once
beat with  superb lustre•
caring not for worldly gains•on-
ly undying  hopes  of pairing  with
another• but fate had tipped  the scales, not in his favour
•when  it  sent an  oncoming  car to share  the  same lane•
driver was behind the wheel but alcohol had  taken over•
causing the car to swerve recklessly
in the rain• the last  few moments
was punctuated with a deaf-
ening sound•his
day began
not know-
ing  death
was  writ-
ten   from
the  start•
so here li-
es *he
, whose
heart had thus
been crowned •
his love is immortalised with this tombstone as his heart•
Concrete Poem 9 of 30

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 Nov 2015

communicate•such are her methods to make us see•
she tries to                    the mother we've abused to such
the way                              a state•the earth we've squand-
it is                                         ered so very blindly•but we do
•                                              not change our ways • instead
                                                  we devise our feeble solutions•
                                               bunkers and alerts, in place we
                                           lay•hoping these would halt her
                                   spiteful vengeance•the past has sha-
                   red of what transpired before•our days carry
      on without words of thanks•we could never learn
of what's in store•what ripple could grow to consume    

**our banks•
Concrete Poem 8 of 30

Read from the tip of the wave and work your way around.

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Nov 2015
  •  they say light-
ning never stri-  
kes •  twice in       
the very same          
place•not as              
if it chooses                  
the  person                      
it likes•nor                          
has it targ-                              
   eted a familiar face • growing  
accustomed to these repeated  
                    jolts•i stay fro-
               zen in anticip-
           tion•for subs-
       equent influx
     of volts•is th-
 is love or me-
re petty infa-    
       n't believe my luck • be-
       cause  time...  and again,  
               stand here,
   very  ti-
me you
cast a...    
a gla-        

ME•                            ­  
Concrete Poem 7 of 30

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 Nov 2015
o                    oo
oo                       oo
ooo                       ooo
ooo                    ooo

eternity it
   seems like•dang-
ling your hook in the
sea of life•hoping for bre-
am, salmon or pike•one of
which would make the perfect
wife•many a fish in rivers and lakes
•plenty more awaiting in oceans and seas•
many would do whatever it takes • battling
the days' heat  and  nights' breeze • wishing
upon      many moonbeams•followed      by
•            the  passing of indifferent          •
sun-rays •waiting an
entire  lifetime
it seems
•just to
finally land
that coveted catch 
  of the                 day 
   •                           •

Concrete Poem 6 of 30

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 Nov 2015
•i only               •••            weep for          
the path of my brethren•when we turn          
to bloodshed to settle petty squabbles•          
the rage               •••                  in  our          
hearts could          
not be more brazen•          
for we have ground all we-          
've built to dust and rubble•the tears from the fau-      
cets of many only trickle•the drips could never douse
the flames we've stoked • we play with lives as we pit
                    them to a gamble•the hei-               nousness
                           within us that we've                     carelessly
... invoked•
                                              ­                                       •••••
                                             ­                                       ••••••
                                                ­                                     •••
Concrete Poem 5 of 30

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 Nov 2015
•come with me on a
special trip•hop aboard my big ball-
oon • hot air from flame, the canvas would
sip•higher and higher, we won't be back too soon
•the clouds would gently kiss our cheeks • the sun
would bathe our skins with gold• mountains below
seem minute pointing up  with snow covered peaks
•turning oceans into lakes...the world seems to fold
•offering myriad picturesque views from up ab-
ove•from any angle none would lack•lastly
we'll drift...along the currents of air and
love•you could then finally say that
i've brought you on a memora-
ble trip to  the moon...
and safely back•
\         |         /
\       |       /


Concrete Poem 4 of 30

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 Nov 2015

•i hold nothing but
secrets inside•i shan't disclose, i shan't
be vulnerable•into my humble recluse, i quiver and
hide•the world isn't ready to receive my bits and mor-
sels•come such time, i'd be willing to share•i'd bare
myself for all to see•if you say that you truly do
care•then it's best if you leave me be•for now,
don't pick on my sores•being eaten slowly
from within my gut•please don't...
don't pry anymore•save your
breath, my shells are

Concrete Poem 3 of 30

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 Nov 2015

••••               •••••••••              ••••
•our wrin-     kled hides only co-       nceal the
anguish•that resonates with conviction amongst
my herd•this humanly greed that might cause us
to perish•what's valuable to you, we find incredu-
lously absurd•embedded in our trunks lay mill-
enias of lineage... • hidden in our eyes bec-
koned      the change in history      •in our
••             beating  hearts  is             ••
the longing to
turn the im-
ers w-
with the

Concrete Poem 2 of 30

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 Nov 2015
•                                                   •
•                                  ­                •
•turn the hourglass, let's start•
•i offer you... all  that's close•
•to my heart •  i'll unveil•
•to you  my  concrete•
•let us•
•          b          •
•                e               •
•                   g                  •
•                  in this               •
•           30 day journey•         •
•witness  the fall... of each grain•
•through the words that i've lain•

Concrete Poem 1 of 30

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 Nov 2015
here near,
you   exist
so far•fur-
ther    than
my   vision
could  ever
kilometres away is wh-
ere you are•faraway land on a distant beach•let
foreign winds drench my senses•let the offshore sand greet
my feet • let us come to a consensus....• that soon our gazes
would me-
might sur-
face by the
end of this
th the dawning of mo-
rrow's morn•grant me the wings
to take flight • put me on a plane

and render me airborne
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