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 May 2016
The Light of Consciousness
is more than light, is more
than darkness...though it
allows for both.
The Light of Consciousness
is less than light, is less
than darkness...though it
allows for both.
Having allowed for both, it is
subject to neither.
 May 2016
Keith Wilson
How  do  the  tourist's
know  I'm  local.
They  are  always  stopping  me.
And  asking  the  way  to  the  lake.
Perhaps  It's  because
I'm  walking  on  my  own.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
 May 2016
mike dm
on the


   i've never
     like i was
   or appreciated

        [play small violin]





               if you
        have room
in your attic,
                   stash me there,
    next to the
             old shoebox of

      never look at
 May 2016
raine cooper
one day the rain didn't come
her suicide note read,
i'm sorry i was nothing more than a life of falling
 May 2016
Ignatius Hosiana
You still bear the guilt
but expect me to be past
the ache of your loss
 May 2016

*If I were a poem
I’d ask you to fold me up
and put me in your pocket,
then at the end of the week,
toss me in the wash
with the rest of the clothes

And when you find me later,
smudged and smeared,
ripped and tattered into
little unrecognizable pieces,
don’t worry about it,
I was already like that
I have been notified that this poem was plagiarized and posted on Poetfreak by someone using the name Blurry Face. I can assure you, this is my poem.
 May 2016
Mike Hauser
I found this diary
On the side of the road
Missing some of life's pages
Wouldn't you know

Perhaps tossed from a car
As away it drove
This part of their life
Where the tall grass grows

I read a few pages
Before setting it down
Words for the ages
Tears with no sound

What side of the road
Was this diary found
Of course wouldn't you know
It was Southbound

I tried to read more
But it kept breaking my heart
Feel like I've been here before
As their world falls apart

Inside of this diary
With its life pages torn
After I set it down I too headed South
Wouldn't you know
 May 2016
South by Southwest
once upon :
Those eyes so teary
Once they loved one
so sincerely
But fairy tales
they will fracture
And love lost
is in it's nature
Broken hearts
leave crumbling memories
Nothing then
can be please me's
Blood turns cold
in the wind
Here's to broken hearts
that never mend
 May 2016
Valsa George
Bitten by love bug,
My heart swells with edema
My love, like a gnawing anxiety,
Burdens me
Like a knotty noose,
Stifles me
Like a watch dog,
Follows me

Like an inalienable shadow,
Always with me!
When I turn around,
It is right behind!
It lingers in me
Like a lovely metaphor
Like the intoxicating smell  
Of  the first summer rain

In my world there are only two of us;
You and I
Where ever I go,
The world wears your face.
A face I have never seen!

      I don’t know where you are
In which alien shore you dwell

Yet I write this message,
In secret code
Pouring out my longings,
      My unuttered love,
My invisible desires,
Into this scroll of paper
In cursive, indelible ink
I seal it in a bottle
With no address on
And let it drift over the currents

It is meant for the one
Who finds it
And thinks it is for him

If you feel, it is not for you,
Please don’t throw it as garbage;
Kindly put it back,
And let my love vessel float,
Over eddies and currents
Because my soul is encased within!

Just know this much;
It is from a lovely lass!
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