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 Sep 2013
Priya Patel
I think of you
as you often think of me
with longing and desire
and with hope and faith
that our paths will soon be as one
I think of you often
with more than passion;
with pure raw emotion
more deeply rooted than the shady
pecan tree embedded
in the back of my yard
I think of your smile;
soft and subtle
always rare and unexpected
always for me
because of me
and the way you make me laugh
I think of you
as you often think of me
and remember all the reasons
I fell in love with love
 Sep 2013
Priya Patel
In the midnight of our days
there is no moon
for me to gaze upon
No whispering willows
or symphonies of the night
Just the blaring days sun
blindingly bright
In the midnight of our days,
there is no quiet of the night
The silent hue of stars
no where in sight
The humdrum of the day
becomes wrapped
like a regifted package;
boring and forgotten
passed on
like one moment to the next
In the midnight of our days
I day dream
of chirping crickets
and hooting owls
of whispering willows
and lone wolf howls
In the midnight of our days
I ache for the peacefulness
of the night
 Jul 2013
Priya Patel
Wondering thoughts

in the quiet of the night
I allow my thoughts
to wonder free
to let my thoughts
just be
To play dress up
with faith, hope,
and happiness too;
and sometimes my thoughts
just want to be blue
and thats ok too
In the quiet of the night
my thoughts become super hero's
and I lie there patiently
just waiting to be saved
 Mar 2013
she's not here anymore
so why don't I just
go away

her car is here, her home
is here. Even her cat is here
And her gardens are, too

sailed on and on
It's over, it's been over,
her shadow's parked on those hallways

she's not here anymore
so why don't I just
go away
 Mar 2013
He sold a sweet dream.
A dream so sweet even God would have goosebumps at the mere thought of it.
A dream that the fairest in all the land would be envious.
Our dream where our love would outshine the sun across a thousand galaxies.
A dream where my first name would latch onto his last name causing the heavens to sing above us.
The blissful dream that he sold to me would've been passed down to our generations every Sunday dinner.
That dream, I lived for it. Craved for it.  
Dreaming of his stolen dream that he sold to me.
Our once tangible dream began to collapse around me.
That dream I once I lived for turned into a forgotten nightmare of his doing
 Feb 2013
&& in that moment everything turned white.
As if life were as clear as snow.
The tidal waves of insecurity, sadness and denial suddenly calmed down.
The misty haze of infidelity, betrayal and ignorance were lifted from my eyes && a new world appeared.
Moment of extreme clarity where mind meets nirvana.
I looked in the eye of God and turned my back on him, blew a kiss at the devil && walked away.
I was handed the key of absolute knowledge && was freed from the shackles of my oppressors.
That brief blizzard of purity.
My beautiful reality.
I meet her once && I need to meet her again.
 Jan 2013
I woke up cold in a dark house, not a home
I woke up in a cold sweat all alone.
I don’t know why I even woke up at all…
Most of the time I don’t
I have nothing ahead of me
Nothing to look forward to that is
It would be a break if I had solely nothing ahead of me
But of course I am contained
Repressed, oppressed, stressed, depressed
Surely I am confined
And sometimes I die

Upon waking up again I choose to sit up in my bed in the dark
And within the black it is just my consciousness and my thoughts
My existence, reflective of the black, becomes one with the absence of light
Sometimes I sleep and my brain continues thinking in my head
Only to think about emotion whose practical use is now dead
Even if I had left
It was through the light of day that I had slept
Even if I had left
There would be nothing that can quell the aches in my chest
This house took my everything I had ever felt
These sheets, I acuse them of theft
Even if I had left
I would never part from the bed.
 Jan 2013
The unstable mind of the infinite girl slowly starts to crumble as he ascends from hell into her forsaken kingdom.
The mirror tells him that his impish looks gives him an undeniable handsome.
She knows that the insanity hidden behind her blood stained eyes is what drives his incurable lust for her.
His insatiable need to be one of two is how he causes hurt.
What is she getting herself into by playing in his hidden eden of ecstasy?
He latches on to the first thing he sees in the vicinity.
The scars of their intimate charade reappears in the moonlight as he devours what's left of her mistaken innocence.
In the attempt to mold her into something like him she seems to have lost her very essence.
She screams into the night hoping that his deaf ears will finally hear the cries of his once infinite girl.
The faint sound of the night breezes past his ears as ponders his next assault on this world.
She'll drift through the seamless passages of time and space to regain what's little left of her impure soul.
His next mission will not fail, he will meet his goal.
She clings onto the memories of their past lives as he holds her meaningless death in the palm of his demon claws.
To create something perfect like him, and rid the world of things like her and all her flaws.
She waited for the sweet nectar that death will bring only to realize that her heaven lays with God's fallen angel.
To be the world's savior, to be the world's angel.
A poem co-created with @JayTheEmperor from twitter.
 Jul 2012
Richard j Heby
A single matchstick
is all it takes to brighten
the chaotic dark;

but it takes nothing
for the darkness to feed on
and consume our fear.


In all of our eyes
is a tiny bit of light,
big enough to see.

In all of our eyes
the pupil's darkness is void:
central to all light.


Man created fire,
and he brought light to the earth
to fill night's darkness.

The man who knows fire
gains a fear of the unknown:
the dark he forgets.


There is no darkness
without light. To see darkness
you must have sight: light.
 Jul 2012
It's a new day.
She's standing by her lighthouse.
Waiting for the day, her ship will arrive.
She had a ship docked her port once.
Oh, the memories they shared.
Oh, the places they traveled.
Oh, the love they had for one another.
But suddenly,
His ship sailed without her.
He docked at a new port,
Leaving her alone at her lighthouse.
She's stuck.
She still thinks of the Captain of the ship.
Wondering if he thinks of her as he sails the seas.
Wondering if they still have a fighting chance against the seas.
She's sees a ship coming closer to her lighthouse!
Could it be the ship that she gave everything for?
The ship that left her at her lighthouse?
The ship that has haunted her dreams?
The ship that broke her in more ways than one?
No, it's not...
It's a new ship that she hasn't seen before.
Who is this Captain?
He's docking at her port and staring at her.
He approaches  her and smiles a friendly smile.
She's hesitant and slowly backs away.
Should she trust this new Captain that has entered her dock?
He could be like the last Captain that left her at the lighthouse.
Or he could be the Captain that takes her on a journey around the world.
 Feb 2012
Tyler Dolch
Many in this world will become wolves and even more will be sheep.

It is the few who become shepherds that protect the sheep from being populated by the wolves of hatred, fear, and willingness to appose such on the sheep, that are the true protectors, heroes and great leaders that young men and woman should strive and wish to be.

The way of the wolf is one that will turn your heart black, your back to your friends, and your back to the world that will cause your mind to become all that is evil, wrenched, and destructive on this Earth.

Become the shepherd
Drive out the wolf
 Jan 2012
Should I let you in,
Should I let love, win?
My whole wide world, is brought to a stop,
Then my heart spins and twirls, when I feel so high atop
Of this world as a mountain, where my dreams are like fountains,
Which pour out these rivers, and chill spines with shivers.

I should let this win,
I will let you in.
I'll jump upon the feeling express,
And race to explain with abrupt finesse,
Just how you do. Just what you do,
to show me that the word is true.

Show me what lies so deep within,
What joins two together to create our kin.
Believe in me with the same trust
Of those whom you love but do not lust,
Just tell me how you feel today,
and promise me it won't go away.

I know that in my heart you will forever stay,
I knew from the start, without any delay,
How you make me love you
Like a well written screenplay,
Or the wheels of cars, on an open freeway.
You make me love you, and I will tell you, someday.
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